  • 學位論文


The Study of the Effects of the Amount of Physical Activity and the Lifestyle on Health-Related Quality of Life for the Teenager Taekwondo Athletes

指導教授 : 林晉榮


本研究旨在探討青少年跆拳道選手身體活動量、生活型態對生活品質的影響,並進一步瞭解個人背景變項與身體活動量、生活型態之間的關係。本研究目的如下: 一、探討青少年跆拳道選手生活型態及身體活動量之現況;二、探討不同背景變項青少年跆拳道選手在生活型態及身體活動量之差異;三、探討青少年跆拳道選手生活型態及身體活動量之關係;四、探討青少年跆拳道選手生活型態、身體活動量對生活品質的影響。以立意抽樣法方式調查雲林縣青少年跆拳道選手為研究對象,共發出380份問卷,有效回收問卷為346份,回收率為96%。研究工具以「生活型態問卷」、「七日身體活動量表」、「生活品質量表」進行問卷調查。將所有資料以描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、逐步迴歸分析等方法進行統計分析。茲將本研究結果發現說明如下: 一、青少年跆拳道選手生活型態及身體活動量之現況,其生活型態部分以就寢時間在晚上「22-23點」所佔比例最高為55.5%,在父母親教育方式以「民主式」最高為83.8%;而選手在身體活動量部分以訓練時週以「1至5小時/週」所佔比例最高為52.9%。 二、探討不同背景變項之青少年跆拳道選手在生活型態及身體活動量之差異部分,在生活型態方面:以「每月零用錢金額1000元以下」在生活型態中的運動取向顯著高於「零用錢金額為3001元以上」的跆拳道選手。在就寢時間選項上,以「23-24點就寢」之跆拳道選手在生活型態中的網路取向顯著高於「22點以前就寢」之選手;身體活動量方面:以高中組的跆拳道選手顯著高於國中組跆拳道選手。  三、青少年跆拳道選手生活型態及身體活動量之關係部分:運動取向與網路取向與假日身體活動量呈現正相關;整體生活型態與身體活動量呈現正相關,顯示生活型態與身體活動量有其關聯性。 四、探討青少年跆拳道選手生活型態、身體活動量對生活品質之影響部分:生活型態可有效預測生活品質,其中以運動取向與家庭取向預測能力較佳;身體活動量可預測生活品質,其中以平日身體活動量預測能力為佳。


This study was explored the effects of the amount of physical activity and lifestyle on health-related quality of life for the teenager Taekwondo athletes. Further to understand the relationships of demographic variables with the amount of physical activity and lifestyle.The purpose of this study were as follows: 1.Exploring the situations of the teenager Taekwondo athletes lifestyle and amounts of physical activity; 2.Exploring the significant differences on the demographic variables with lifestyle and physical activity for the teenager Taekwondo athletes; 3.Exploring the correlations of the teenager Taekwondo athletes lifestyle and amounts of physical activity; 4.Exploring the effects of the amount of physical activity and lifestyle on the health-related quality of life for the teenager Taekwondo athletes. This study was used the purposive sampling and the participant was recruited by Yunlin County teenager Taekwondo athletes, the questionnaire sent out 380 and 346 valid questionnaires, the effective response rate was 96%. The research protocol was used by Lifestyle (AIO) Questionnaire, Seven-day Physical Activity Recall, and Short Form 36 (SF-36). The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, one-way analysis of variance, Pearson product-moment correlation, stepwise regression and so on. The results of this study as follows: 1.The situations of lifestyle and the amount of physical activity of teenager Taekwondo athletes: on the parts of the lifestyle, the sleeping time on “22-23 o’clock” options got the highest points on 83.8%. Teaching mode of parents on “democracy style’’ options got the highest points on 83.8%; on the parts of the amount of physical activity, weekly training time on ‘’1-5 hours per week” got highest point on 52.9%. 2.Exploring the differences of demographic with the lifestyle and the amount of physical activity: on the part of the lifestyle, “Pocket money per month below 1000 NTD” got more significant differences than “Pocket money per month over 3001NTD”. The sleeping time on “23-24 o’clock” got more significant differences than “before 22 o’clock”. On the part of the amount of physical activity, senior high school athletes was better than junior high school. 3.The correlations between the lifestyle and physical activity for the teenager Taekwondo athletes: there was a positive correlation among the weekend holiday of amounts of physical activity, exercise orientation and internet orientation which shown the relationships between the lifestyle and the amount of physical activity. 4.Exploring the effects of the amount of physical activity and lifestyle on the health-related quality of life for the teenager Taekwondo athletes: the health-related quality of life had been predicted by the lifestyle, which had the better effective prediction between family orientation and exercise orientation.


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