  • 學位論文


A Study on the Continuance Intention to use Healthcare App in Healthcare Professionals: Task Technology Fit and Technology Readiness Views

指導教授 : 吳英隆


行動App的移動性與多樣化功能,提供了各產業增進工作績效的有效方法,其中包含了醫療產業,於是醫療App應運而生,而在資訊科技使用中,分析以提升使用者持續使用意向受到廣泛的關注,能長久被使用的資訊科技才能持續增進組織作業績效,並避免開發與導入成本變成沉沒成本;而從事醫療產業的主要族群為醫護人員,因此,如何有效提升醫護人員在使用醫療App後的持續使用意念為本研究主要探討的議題。 本研究討論任務與科技契合程度與個人特質兩大觀點對於醫護人員在使用醫療App後的持續使用意向之影響程度,引入了科技任務適配度與科技準備度來探討影響滿意度與認知有用性的顯著程度,進而推論醫護人員在使用醫療App後的持續使用意向;本研究為量化分析,採用問卷分析法,以使用過醫療App的醫護人員為樣本分析對象,經由信效度分析與結構化方程式模型的數據統計分析來取得結論;研究結果可得,所有研究假說都成立,科技契合程度與個人特質兩大觀點均對滿意度與認知有用性有正向顯著影響,滿意度與認知有用性進而對醫護人員的持續使用意向有顯著影響。


Because of mobility and functional diversification, Mobile App provides effective methods for all industries to improve work performance,also contains medical industry, mobile medical app come into being. Information technology should be use continually so that it can improve work performance for each organization and avoid development cost and Implementation cost to become sunk cost. The main groups of medical industry are medical professional, so how to improve medical professionals' continuance intention after using mobile medical app effectively is the main issue in this study. we propose two viewpoints, the fitness between task and technology and personal characteristics, to discuss how they influence the continuance intention of medical professionals after they using mobile medical app in their work processes and to discuss if these two viewpoints will influence Perceived Usefulness and Satisfaction, and further to influence continuance intention. This study is quantitative study and use Questionnaires to collect Sample data. The study chooses the medical professionals who have experience of using mobile medical app as the research sample, via SEM analysis to verify the hypothesis to gain the final conclusion. The results indicate that two viewpoints strongly influence the continuance intention of medical professionals.


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