  • 學位論文


A Narrative Research on Sport Experience of Reserve Basketball Players on Men’s First Division of University Basketball Association

指導教授 : 徐耀輝


本研究主要探討的是大專籃球聯賽(University Basketball Association, UBA)公開男子組第一級隊伍中,關於籃球替補員運動經驗之研究,透過敘說研究的方法去了解,本研究之結論如下所述: 一、生活章節: (一)替補員對於加入甲一級球隊抱持著高度的期望和抱負 (二)替補員在高中階段的運動經驗影響著加入大學校隊的動機 (三)替補員在意是否上場比賽與大學參與的比賽層級有關係 二、重要他人: (一)替補員在面臨困境所需要的支持來源多半來自朋友、家人 (二)高中教練影響替補員的籃球觀念可能較多於大學教練 (三)替補員遇到問題不會直接詢問或尋求教練的幫助。 三、壓力調適: (一)臨時是否上場是替補員較容易感到壓力的問題 (二)替補員調適個人壓力不會尋求教練或隊友幫助 (三)球場上的壓力是替補員努力提升自己球技的動力來源之一 四、關鍵事件: (一)替補員在比賽中不穩定的表現是提升球隊勝率的因素之一 (二)教練給予替補員的承諾應該遵守並履行其約定 (三)更換教練對於替補員而言是一個重大的影響 五、未來藍圖: (一)替補員勇於挑戰職業籃球 (二)替補員對於擔任教師或專任教練等與籃球相關工作的意願較高 (三)替補員的運動經驗讓替補員擁有更佳的心理韌性去面對未來 關鍵詞:籃球替補員、運動經驗、敘說研究。


Abstract By using narrative in research, the researcher interviewed reserve basketball players in Male First Division of University Basketball Association (UBA) for their sports experience, which allows both coaches and starters to know more about the innermost thoughts that reserve basketball players wanted to be comprehended and expressed. Also, to provide appropriate training plan, instruction, and encouragement for reserve basketball players during the process of training and games; so as to uncover the potential of reserve basketball players and promote better team grades. The conclusions of this research are as bellowed (1) Chapters of life : 1. Reserve players nourish high expectation and ambition toward attending teams on first division. 2. Reserve players’ high school sports experience has influence on their motives of entering university school teams. 3. Their choices of the team division of their universities have relationship with whether they can to be on court or not. (2) Significant others : 1. Reserve players usually receive supports from friends and family while facing difficulties. 2. High school coaches have greater impact on reserve players’ basketball basics than university coaches. 3. Reserve players do not directly ask or seek for coaches’ help when meeting problems. (3) Stress adaptation :1. Being on court randomly is one of the reasons for reserve players to feel stressful.2. Reserve players not directly ask or seek for coaches’ help while getting over personal pressure. 3. The stress on court is one of the motive forces for reserve players to advance theirs skills. (4) Key events : 1. The unstable performances of reserve players are one of the keys for improving the odds. 2. Coaches should keep their promises to reserve players. 3. Coach replacement has a great impact on reserve players. (5) Future blueprint :1. Reserve players are brave enough to challenge professional basketball league. 2. Reserve players have high aspiration for occupying basketball related positions such as teachers or full-time coaches. 3. Reserve players’ sports experience allows them to equip better resilience to face the future. Keywords: reserved basketball players, sport experience, narrative research


