  • 學位論文


A Survey on Preservice Education Curriculum for Early Childhood Teacher in Preschool Inclusive Education

指導教授 : 蔡惠玲


本研究目的為瞭解目前國內大學院校學前融合教育職前培育相關課 程之課程規劃與實施現況,以及準教保人員對於學前融合教育專業知能 自覺感受。為達上述目的,本研究採問卷調查法,以台灣地區34所大學 院校幼教(保)系之四年制大學院校教授融合教育相關科目課程之教師 和96學年度幼教(保)系應屆畢業生為調查對象,針對96學年度畢業 生在學期間所修習之融合教育相關課程為檢視範圍進行普查。調查工具 為自編之「教保人員學前融合教育職前培育課程問卷」與「教保人員學 前融合教育專業知能調查表」。共發出教師問卷53份與學生問卷1, 895 份,取得有效教師問卷47份與學生問卷1, 713份。問卷所得資料以描述 性統計進行處理與分析。 研究結果顯示:1. 96學年度畢業的幼教(保)系畢業生有高達九成 六以上覺得自己的學前融合教育專業能力仍然不足。2.有七成二以上學生和近六成教師認為目前學校所規劃之學前融合教育相關課程仍不夠。3. 「融合教育理念」是教師與學生共同認為實施學前融合教育最重要的專 業能力,而對於「設計IEP與IFSP」、「與家庭合作」等能力的看法則略 有歧異。4.教師與學生皆認為學校應該再規劃更多的融合教育相關課程與 實習課程等其他更多的協助,以提升學生學前融合教育專業能力。 依研究結果,提出四點建議:1.師資培育單位:由於教師與學生對於 課程需求和專業能力看法略有不同,故建議應重新思考學生進入職場後 ,對於學前融合教育的專業需求;重新考量學前融合教育領域課程的規 劃,增加學前融合教育相關必修課程或實習課程。2.教師授課方式:由於 學生對於接觸學前融合教育相關經驗不多,建議應增加學生實際接觸特 殊幼兒教育經驗,宣導並鼓勵學生踴躍參與學前融合教育相關學術活動 或研習課程,以增進實務經驗。3.準教保人員:除接受學校安排課程之外, 應主動參與學前融合教育或特殊教育相關學術活動或研習課程,增進融 合教育或特殊教育領域相關專業知能與實務經驗,以期增加自己在畢業 前所需具備的專業能力。4.未來研究:為更瞭解哪些課程或專業能力,能 確切培育出具備足夠學前融合教育專業能力之準教保人員,建議未來可 以德懷術(Delphi technique)取得教保人員的學前融合教育專業知能要 素,或是以焦點團體訪談方式,針對授課教師進行質性訪談,以進一步 作為修改課程的參考。


The present study employed questionnaire survey method to investigate current pre-service early childhood teacher education of higher education in preschool inclusion curriculum and the self perception of early childhood teacher in preschool inclusive education professional competence in Taiwan. Data were collected from 47 teachers who taught courses related to preschool inclusive education, and 1, 713 students from 34 departments of Early Childhood Education and Child Care in Taiwan. Result indicated that: 1. more than 96.3 % early childhood graduates self-perceived not having professional competence in preschool inclusive education. 2. 72.6% students and 57.4% teachers thought that their university program didn’t have sufficient early childhood inclusive education courses. 3. Teachers and students both agreed that「inclusive education concept」was the most important professional competence of early childhood inclusive education. But teachers and students had different opinions in「IEP & IFSP planning」and「working with family」. 4. Teachers and students thought that the university should offer more early childhood inclusive education courses and practicum experiences to promote students’ professional competence in early childhood inclusive education. Four suggestions resulted from the present study: 1. Teachers’ trainning institution of higher education should reflect students’ needs in early childhood inclusive education professional competence. Both teachers and students wish to add more courses or practical training experiences in inclusive education. 2. Instructors could provide students with more direct experiences in working with children with special needs. Students should be encouraged to participate in conferences relates to early childhood inclusive education to enheuse early childhood inclusive education experience. 3. Students in early childhood education and child care could participate more actively in early childhood inclusive education practice settings to promote professional competence and practical experiences. 4. Future research might employ Delphi technique to draw consensus in preschool teachers’ professional competence in inclusion education, or utilize focused group interview with teachers to generate a more appropriate curriculum for students in early childhood inclusive education.


