  • 學位論文


The Study of Basic Physical Fitness on Different Branch of Army

指導教授 : 吳柏翰


本研究目的在探討陸軍不同兵科三項基本體能成績之現況,以101年國軍基本體能驗證之陸軍中籤單位為對象,區分步兵、砲兵、裝甲兵、化學兵、工兵及通信兵等兵科,受測人數共計1863人,在性別上的分佈以男性居多計1661人,女性計202人,受測人員實施國軍三項基本體能測驗,並將測驗所得數據以SPSS for Windows 18.0 中文版統計套裝軟體進行分析,統計分析均採α=.05 的達顯著水準,所得數據資料以描述性統計、單因子變異數分析(One-way ANOVA)及薛費法(Scheffe’method)等統計方法分析後,獲得以下結果:俯地挺身,志願役男性以通信兵在平均次數54.87表現較多、志願役女性以工兵在平均次數42.59表現較多、義務役男性以化兵在平均次數48.65表現較多;仰臥起坐:志願役男性以步兵在平均次數48.98表現較多、志願役女性以步兵在平均次數44.48表現較多、義務役男性以化學兵在平均次數49.79表現較多;3000公尺徒手跑步:志願役男性以通信兵平均820.41秒表現較佳、志願役女性以步兵在平均958.42秒表現較佳、義務役男性以化學兵在平均851.74秒表現較佳;單因子變異數分析:志願役男性僅在3000公尺跑步在統計分析上有顯著差異;義務役男性三項體能在統計上均達顯著關係;志願役男性與義務役男性經平均數差異性分析比較,在俯地挺身,T值19.77;在仰臥起坐方面T值6.90;在3000公尺徒手跑步T值11.48,均達顯著關係。


Purpose: The purpose of this research was aims to investigate the three basic physical fitness testing results of different branch on Army. In 2012 of military basic physical fitness testing results of the army in the ballot units of the object, the distinction between infantry, artillery, armor, chemical soldiers, engineers, and signal corps, the number of testing participants about 1863 people, the distribution of gender in 1661 males account, accounting for 89.2%; female count 202 people, accounting for 10.8%, testing personnel the Army's three basic physical fitness testing results and the resulting test data to SPSS for Windows in Chinese version 18.0 statistical software package for analysis. In this study, statistical analyzes were taken α = .05 level of significance. The resulting data using descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA and Scheffe’ method and other statistical analysis, the following results were obtained: In Pushup, to the Signal Corps volunteer in sexual draftees on average 54.87 times the performance significantly more women volunteer labor to engineers significantly more on average 42.59 times the performance of the obligations of draftees to the average number of soldiers in the 48.65 performance significantly more apparent in the upper arm muscle strength better; Sit-ups: Volunteers of draftees to the infantry in the average number of 48.98 performance significantly more women in the infantry volunteer labor at an average 44.48 times the performance significantly more resistance to chemical Soldiers draftees obligation significantly more on average 49.79 times the performance, Muscles in the abdomen appear better; 3000 meters freehand running: Signal Corps volunteer draftee average of 820.41 seconds to perform better, volunteer labor in women with an average of 958.42 seconds infantry better performance obligations draftee soldier at an average of 851.74 in chemistry better performance, revealing cardio optimum; ANOVA analysis: Volunteer draftees only significant difference between 3000 meters running events; volunteer draftees of women no significant difference; while three reached significant differences of the draftees relationships; Voluntary and obligations service of the draftees by comparing the average difference analysis, in push up of t =19.77; in sit ups of t= 6.90; in 3000 meters Running of t =11.48, reached a significant difference.


成年人職業別對體適能的影響。臺灣復健醫誌,36(3),137 - 143。


