  • 學位論文

組織溝通對組織變革與組織承諾關係之研究 - 以中華電信為例

A Study of the Relationships among OrganizationalCommunication to Organizational Changeand Organizational Commitment-Using Chunghwa Telecom Company as An Example

指導教授 : 周素娥 博士


中文摘要 今日的企業在外在環境急速變遷下,組織必須不斷調整策略、結構及人力配置,以維持競爭力。組織變革就是企業為適應環境快速變遷與提升競爭力,所採取的主要發展策略。員工也因為外部環境快速變遷,以及組織內部調整變革,正面臨著工作環境快速改變,包括企業合併、併購、重整、縮編等企業組織變革活動。 國內電信市場已邁向全新自由競爭時代,中華電信為國內電信產業龍頭,近年來歷經外在環境全球化競爭、自由化衝擊外,更須配合政府政策,從公司化、進而民營化。中華電信員工,外部歷經公司化與民營化的激烈衝擊,內部要面對組織整併、縮編、工作調動與工作負荷急劇增加,對未來充滿著不確定感。因為組織變革所造成的不確定因素,是否會進一步造成組織士氣低落影響組織承諾,是值得探討的問題。 因此本研究以中華電信員工為研究對象,用問卷調查方式探討組織溝通、組織變革與組織承諾三者間之關係。其中,組織變革以結構性變革、任務性變革、制度性變革與人員性變革四個構面來衡量;而組織承諾衡量構面則包含價值承諾、努力承諾與留職承諾三者;最後,在組織溝通則以部門溝通、與主管溝通、變革理念溝通與非正式溝通四個構面來衡量。另以組織變革為組織承諾的預測變數,衡量預測能力大小及兩者之間是否存在因果關係;最後探討組織溝通對組織變革與組織承諾之影響。本研究結果發現: 一、不同個人屬性對組織變革有部分顯著差異。 二、不同個人屬性對組織承諾有部分顯著差異。 三、不同個人屬性對組織溝通有部分顯著差異。 四、組織變革與組織承諾有顯著正相關。 五、組織溝通與組織變革有顯著正相關。 六、組織溝通與組織承諾有顯著正相關。 七、組織變革對組織承諾有顯著正向影響。 八、組織溝通對組織變革與組織承諾具有干擾效果。


Abstract In face of rapid changes of the external environment, enterprises need to constantly adjust their strategies, organizational structure, and deployment of human resources to maintain their competitiveness. Organizational change is a major strategy that enterprises adopt to cope with the rapid changes of the environment and enhance their competitiveness. Under external changes and internal adjustments, employees also need to face various organizational changes in their work environment, including merge, acquisition, reorganization, and workforce reduction. The domestic telecommunication market has entered a brand new era of free competition. Chunghwa Telecom is the leader of the domestic telecommunication industry. In recent years, it has experienced the impact of global competition and free competition and also undergone corporatization and privatization to carry out the government policy. For Chunghwa Telecom employees, they needed to not only experience the intense external impact from corporatization and privatization but also face internal changes, including organizational integration, reduction, redeployment, and increase of workload. All of these meant uncertainties of the future to them. However, whether these uncertainties resulted from organizational changes would further affect organizational morale or organizational commitment should be explored. Therefore, this study selected Chunghwa Telecom employees as research subjects and performed a questionnaire survey to explore the relationship among organizational communication, organizational change, and organizational commitment. Organizational change was measured from four perspectives, including structure, task, system, and people. Organizational commitment was measured from three perspectives, including value, effort, and stay. Finally, organizational communication was measured from four perspectives, including departmental communication, communication with supervisors, communication about ideas of change, and informal communication. Moreover, organizational change was used as a predictor variable for organizational commitment to measure the predicting power and causality between the two variables. Finally, the effect of organizational communication on organizational change and organizational commitment was also discussed. Findings of this research included: 1.Different personal attributes lead to significant difference in their reaction to organizational change. 2.Different personal attributes lead to significant difference in organizational commitment. 3.Different personal attributes lead to significant difference in organizational communication. 4.There is a significant and positive relationship between organizational change and organizational commitment. 5.There is a significant and positive relationship between organizational communication and organizational change. 6.There is a significant and positive relationship between organizational communication and organizational commitment. 7.Organizational change has significant positive effects on organizational commitment. 8.Organizational commitment has interfering effects on organizational change and organizational commitment.




