  • 學位論文


Creative visual design to express the "Global Warming" issue in a humorous way using games and myths as examples

指導教授 : 劉建成




全球暖化 幽默 遊戲 神話


Mankind’s life and activities are related to the earth and man can not continue to live a quality life while abusing his habitat. This earth is consistently suffering from human beings’ damages, and if they do not become aware of the crisis of global warming this will make humans’ living conditions and posterity evolve into a serious challenge. Therefore, by creating a visual design, the creator expects to attract viewers’ attention to the issue of global warming, inspire them to practice lower carton actions, and reconstruct a wonderful environment. This research is to analyze the expression of humorous methods, exploring the delight between games and myths to be the foundation of this design creation. Conjoined by familiarity, harmony, and animation qualities of games and myths, and the fusion of the causes, the prevention concrete measure of global warming transmits serious global warming issue to viewers that can be expected to create a whole new visual vitality. Global warming is the center of four relevant issues of “Ecology Vicissitude", "The Change of Global Environment", "Methods of Saving the Environment" and "Protective Measures”. Brainstorming these issues into four series creations of “Crisis/Games”, “Crisis/Western Myths”, “Chinese Myths/Games” and “Chance /Chinese Myths” explores environmental problems such as, retreat of North and South Pole glaciers, species extinction, habitat reductions, imbalance of the food chain, air pollution, hair loss, food shortages, sea level rise, and interprets the solutions to alleviate global warming that includes the concepts of economy energy resources, taking advantage of everything’s life span, taking the elevator less, recycling resources, renewable energy production, vegetarianism, exhaust gas emission controls, carrying environmental- friendly products, etc. From the experience of designing creations, viewers can be attracted to appreciate these creations and also improve interaction among each other by interesting and funny expressions. Therefore, humorous expressions can be a valuable reference to designers when designing visual expressions about public issues.


Global Warming Humor Games Myths


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