  • 學位論文


Developing a Creative Thinking Platform Based on KJ Method

指導教授 : 許永洲


全球創意產業邁入無國界時代、資訊快速增長等變化,顯示我們生存的環境正在改變,不斷面臨新的挑戰需要解決,舊的問題也必須因應環境而作調整,這些突顯了創意能力的重要性,人的生活中有許多問題需要解決,而創意也是解決問題的方法之一,而實體的腦力激盪法因為時間地點的限制並不能隨時隨地展開,本研究希望透過網路成熟的技術來建置創意思考平臺,讓創意思考可以在此平臺上方便實行。 本研究除建置創意思考基本流程之網路操作平臺,另設計了創意價值的量化評估方式,提供會議主持人具體化會議參與者的個別創意產出和貢獻度,同時平臺也提供會議紀錄統整輸出功能,以利共同檢視創意產出的脈絡,以及協助其結案報告的快速彙集。本研究經分組實驗,比較傳統實體KJ法與本平臺兩種操作,計60人分兩梯次進行:各梯次各三組實體KJ法與三組本平臺,兩梯次中本平臺在量化數據,較優於實體組。最後,研究者對使用本平臺之使用者進行問卷調查分析,使用者對於平臺的易用性、有用性、創意價值、有趣性、使用經驗等問題反應皆為滿意,在介面的操作認為可以有所改善,並提供了一些具體建議。


The globe is undergoing transformations such as nations without boarders and rapid growth of information, which reveals that our living environment is changing. There are new challenges to face and to solve; besides, existing problems are in need of adjustment to handle the environmental changes. The mentioned problems show the importance of the ability to create. Creativity is one of the ways to solve our daily problems; however, the substantial brainstorming cannot be done anytime with limitations of time and place. Therefore, the present study aims to implement a Creative Thinking Platform for doing creative thinking through advanced Internet technology. It is easy to generate creativity; however, whether creativity enhances the value of production is more important than creativity itself. In addition to implementing the basic process of the Creative Thinking Platform on the Internet, the present study designs a methodology to evaluate the quality and quantity of the creative value and provides the host of a meeting ways to specify the individual production of creativity and degree of contribution. Furthermore, the platform has the function of integrating and outputting meeting records, making it easy to view the process of creativity generation and helping with the efficient integration of closure reports. The study conducts experiments on different groups to compare the following two groups: KJ method group and creative thinking platform group. Sixty participants, divided into two groups, are involved in the study. Each group adapts three KJ method groups and three creative thinking platform groups. According to the formula designed to evaluate creative value, the results demonstrate that the creative thinking platform group ranks higher in qualitative and quantitative data than KJ method group in both of the two groups. Moreover, according to the researcher’s analyses of the questionnaires written by the users of the platform, the users are contented with the degrees of difficulty, usefulness, creative value, fluency, interest and experience of the platform. As far as the use of interface is concerned, they indicate the platform could be improved and they have provided some concrete suggestions.


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