  • 學位論文


Satisfaction of the National Defense Research Taught Impact on the National Consciousness ─ In an Example of a High School in Kaohsiung

指導教授 : 梁鐿徽


我國是由多個不同族群所組成的國家,形成一個多元文化的群體,更是一個生命共同體,而且是由具有相似特性的人組成之集合體。自民國38年國民政府撤退台灣至今,國家意識由激進反共抗敵的情操,變成兩岸經濟共同體的現狀,不難發現學生已不再有民主及共產的敵我意識,甚至喪失我中華民族應有的民族氣槪。 本研究的目的,是研究我國高中職全民國防教育授課後對學生的影響,在暸解學習課程後,對學生國家意識影響滿意度的狀况,本研究採問卷調查方式進行,以高雄市某中學學生為母群體,採隨機抽樣方式共獲取100位學生為有效樣本,將所得的資料,進行次數分配、交叉表、均數檢定、變異數、相關、迴歸等進行分析,研究結果顯示呈現正面影響,修習全民國防課程有助於提升國家意識,研究結果可做為高中職授課教官參考,希望能增強學生的國家民族觀念,發輝它的歷史價值,並提供教育主管機關政策研擬參考,以奠定全民國防教育深植國家意識工作之基石。


Taiwan, officially the Republic of China (ROC), was composed of different ethnic groups, thus, forming its multiculturalism. It’s not only a community of life, but also a unity of the people with similar character. Since the ROC fled and relocated its government to Taiwan in 1949, the national identity and anti-communism sentiments of our people has been gradually replaced. It’s obvious that nowadays students lack the awareness to defense our country and even lose our national character. The main goal of this research is to understand the impact of high school all-out defense education on students. It’s a questionnaire-based survey with a population of students in one of the high school in Kaohsiung, randomly sampling 100 students as effective sample size. The impact is positive, after going through the analysis of frequency distribution, cross tabulation, means test, variance, correlation coefficient and regression. Taking all-out defense education courses contributes to the enhancement of students’ national identity. This research result can be used as a reference for the military training instructor; still, it can also be a guide for policy-making. Hoping it helps enhance students’ national identity and root the concept of all-out defense.


2008年6月, 我國全民國防教育執行績效評估指標之建構, 林家雄。
