  • 學位論文


A Simulation Analysis of Transportation Efficiency and Energy Conservation for Newly Constructed LRT and TRA Rapid Transit Systematize in Kaohsiung

指導教授 : 史茂樟


世界主要各國城市經濟活動頻繁使運輸需求倍增,私人運具使用率日漸上升,導致城市出現道路擁擠、停車空間不足以及空氣汙染嚴重等問題,為增進路網道路運輸效能,減少油耗及二氧化碳排放量,達到節能減碳之目的,高雄市政府預計於2017以及2019年分別完成高雄市區鐵路地下化和兩階段的環狀輕軌路線,屆時將與大眾捷運系統形成一個十字相交之環型路網,構築一個良好且完整的大眾運輸路網系統,提供安全、舒適與快速的服務。 本研究將模擬高雄市新建環狀輕軌與臺鐵捷運化之大眾運輸系統路網,分析新建系統加入後私人旅次轉移至大眾運輸變化量,及其所產生之節能減碳效益,其中運用動態複合運具選擇及旅次指派模式(DynaMMSTAM)做為運算核心,模式中以動態道路旅次指派模式(DynaTAIWAN)及動態複合大眾運輸旅次指派模式(TAM-MAPTS)分別執行私人運具旅次和大眾運輸旅次之路徑指派,運用對應之旅行成本公式分別求得個別旅行成本,以最小成本原則完成所有O-D需求之運具選擇進而計算運具分配比率,DynaMMSTAM同時計算路段行車速率與私人運具總行車里程,其中路段行車速率可一併顯示路段擁擠程度,最終完成運輸效能分析,提供計算系統總耗能及二氧化碳排放量。 研究結果顯示在考慮城市交通道路狀況由順暢、中度至擁擠程度狀況下,新建環狀輕軌與臺鐵捷運系統將可分別產生16.65%、25.90%及33.44%私人運具旅次移轉量,而道路私人運具旅次轉移後所減少之油料,依據三種交通狀況下分別減少12.02%、20.84%及22.30%,二氧化碳減量部分減少12.03%、20.84%及22.26%,此一結果顯示高雄市新建大眾運輸路網可產生顯著之運輸效能提升及節能減碳效益。本研究之方法為日後各城市大眾運輸路網變動時提供一運輸及節能效能分析之工具。


Increased transport demand in the world's major cities, leading to a rise in private transport usage, road congestion, lack of parking space and air pollution. In order to enhance the effectiveness of road transport and achieve the purpose of Energy Conservation, Tai-rail Transit and the two-stage cyclic light rail system forming Kaohsiung Transit network a ring-type network with a cross intersection will be completed in 2017 and 2019. These newly constructed transit systems build a much more complete public transportation network to provide faster, safer and more comfortable service. This study aims at the analysis of the transportation and energy effect after adding the newly systems. The transportation effect focuses on the transfer of private trips and the increase of the driving speed on the road way. Reductions for both energy consumption and carbon dioxide emission are examined to demonstrate the energy effect. In the study, the Dynamic Multiple Mode Selection and Trip Assignment Model (DynaMMSTAM) is implemented as the core operation mode to reach all the target analysis. DynaMMSTAM contains two sub modules, DynaTAIWAN and TAM-MAPTS, performing trip assignment for private and public transport respectively so as to provide the date for computing individual travel cost in both systems. The principle of minimum cost is then employed to select the transportation mode and finally complete the allocation of all OD demand. The result is then used to obtain the transfer volume from private transport to public transit. DynaMMSTAM calculates link traffic speed and the total road mileage of private transport so as to display link congestion and compute total energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions and complete all transportation Efficiency Analysis . In considering three traffic conditions(smooth, moderate, congestion status), the results show that the newly constructed light rail transit system and the TRA will produce 16.65%, 25.90% and 33.44% private transport trip transfer respectively. Resulting from the amount of private trip transfer, the reduction of the fuel consumption reach 12.02%, 20.84% and 22.30% respectively. Carbon dioxide can be reduced 12.03%, 20.84% and 22.26% respectively. This result shows that the new public transport network in Kaohsiung can be generated to enhance transportation efficiency and reduce carbon emissions significantly. This study provides a transportation and energy performance analysis tool for cities while encountering a modification in transportation system network.


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