  • 學位論文


A Business Strategy Research on Kitchenware Industry for Taiwanese Companies in Vietnam-The Case of K Corporation

指導教授 : 周志榮
共同指導教授 : 林煥章(Huan-Chang Lin)


越南在東盟十國之中為第六大經濟體,同時為TPP及RCEP的成員國,隨著其積極在國際舞台上曝光,讓人不得不對這顆明日之星刮目相看,雖然其經濟和房地產市場從2013年來歷經了三年的修復和調整。但在走出經濟循環低谷後,隨著經濟表現不弱、前景樂觀等因素加上有著越南政府外國人購屋放寬政策的支持,因此吸引越南和外國資金進駐,成就房市的熱絡及旺盛的買氣。相對等也帶動建材、家具、裝修市場的蓬勃發展。在這一片欣欣向榮的氛圍中,廚具的商機也不遑多讓的伴隨著房市的發展博扶搖而直上,成就了百家爭鳴的競爭市場,如何在這一片市場中穩健前行,企業需擬定明確策略找出產業中經營的關鍵成功因素。 本研究將以越南台商K公司為個案研究對象,進行以競爭五力分析(Porter)了解越南廚具產業環境的競爭因素,分析研究五個競爭因素的影響力,洞悉產業競爭狀況。並運用SWOT分析進行越南廚具產業現狀分析找出市場中機會切入點,同時幫助公司找出強化競爭優勢的方法,深入探討內部因素與競爭對手做比較找出公司的優勢(Strengths)或劣勢(Weaknesses)。由於外部因素是公司比較無法控制的,根據觀察決定那些公司的機會(Opportunities),哪些是屬於威脅(Threats)。根據所有因素,聚焦議題幫助公司找出經營策略的方法。以利達到預期成效。


As a member of TPP and RCEP, Vietnam is the sixth largest economy in the ten ASEAN countries. It has been actively exposed in the international arena in late years, and has also become one of the stars of tomorrow. Its economic and estate market had gone through a recovery from 2013 to 2015. However, due to the economic low tide, the economic performance is increasingly strong coupled with a release of foreigners buying property policy supported by the government. It attracts Vietnamese and foreign funds to enter, which successfully made the hot housing market and strong trading atmosphere. It also led the building materials, furniture, decorating markets to a rapid development. In this booming trend, kitchenware industry has also grown in a develop surprisingly. The aim of this study is to analyze how to survive in this highly competitive market by making proper strategy to determine the key success factors for the corporations in the kitchenware industry. This research took Taiwanese company based in Vietnam- K corporation as a case study, analyzing the competitive factors of Vietnamese kitchen industry market by using both Porter’s Five Forces and SWOT to analyze the status quo of Kitchenware industry in Vietnam as well as to identify opportunities in the market for increasing competitive advantages. It is the observation that determines the opportunities for those companies and what are the threats because external factors are beyond the control of the company. According to the factors, this study focus on the issue to help companies find ways to make business strategy in order to achieve the desired results.


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