  • 學位論文


Exploring the User Attitude of the Interactive Whiteboard Based on TAM— Computer Self-efficacy as a Moderator

指導教授 : 曾淑美


互動式電子白板融入教學已成為新興的教學方式。檢視過去文獻發現,較少文獻探討使用者對互動式電子白板的認知有用性、認知易用性、使用態度與其電腦自我效能之間的互動關係。因此,本研究以電腦自我效能為調節變數,探討其分別對認知有用性與使用態度之間關係以及認知易用性與使用態度之間關係的影響。本研究主要係以問卷調查法與立意抽樣方式進行資料蒐集,總計共回收有效問卷168份。接著,透過統計分析以驗證本研究所提出之研究假說。研究結果顯示,本研究所提出之研究假設僅電腦自我效能對互動式電子白板的認知有用性與使用態度之間的關係未具有調節的影響,其餘研究假設皆獲得支持。 最後,本研究根據分析結果提出建議,教育相關單位能增加互動式電子白板的研習數量、建置互動式電子白板線上交流平台,並推廣相關應用軟體之開發,以期特殊教育教師能提高將互動式電子白板融入教學之正向態度,進而提升教學成效。


Interactive electronic whiteboards have been widely integrated into the new teaching methods. Based on the review of literature, there are fewer studies investigating the relationships between computer self-efficacy and users’ perceived usefulness, perceived ease-of-use, and user attitude. Therefore, this research applied the computer self-efficacy as the moderator to investigate how the relationship between perceived usefulness and user attitude, and the relationship between perceived ease-of-use and user attitude are influenced by it. This research mainly applied questionnaire and purposive sampling methods to conduct data collection. There were 168 valid questionnaires and the statistical analysis were utilized to verify the hypotheses proposed in this research. The results are all have positive influence , only that computer self-efficacy has no moderating effect on the relationship between perceived usefulness and user attitude of the interactive whiteboard. Finally this research provides concrete suggestions based on the analyzed results in order to enhance the positive attitude towards the integration of interactive whiteboard in teaching and increase teaching effectiveness.


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