  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relation between the Family’s Socioeconomic Status and The Academic Performance of Elementary School Students

指導教授 : 李建興
共同指導教授 : 張志雄(Chih-Hsiung Chang)


本文主要目的在探討家庭社經地位、家庭結構、家庭資源對國小學童學業表現的影響。採問卷調查法,以高雄市仁武區某國小之學童為研究對象,用敘述統計、T檢定、Pearson相關係數、單因子變異數分析等方法來進行分析與探究。主要研究結果如下: 一、家長教育程度愈高、職業等級愈高及社經地位愈高對子女的學業表現均有正向顯著之影響。 二、父母婚姻和諧對子女的學習狀況有較好的影響。離婚或配偶有一方死亡造成的單親或隔代教養家庭,子女的學業表現較不理想。 三、母親為外籍配偶對國小學童學業表現並沒有顯著的影響。 四、每月家庭所得高低與子女學業表現兩者呈高度的正相關。 依據研究結果,提出對家長、學校教育單位之建議: 一、離婚所造成的單親或隔代教養家庭的學童,學業表現較不理想。為人父母者應盡量維持家庭的完整性、健全性,對學童的課業學習會有較好的影響。 二、低社經地位、單親家庭、隔代教養家庭、低收入家庭等學童因處於較弱勢的環境,建議主管機關、學校教育單位,能針對這些弱勢家庭的學童進行補救教學措施,以提升其學業成就。


This paper aims to explore the impact causes by the socioeconomic status of the family, the structure of the family, and the resources of the family on the academic performance of elementary school children. Methodologically, our approach is to carry out questionnaire survey to the students in one of the elementary school in Kaohsiung's Renwu District(仁武區), and by using descriptive statistics , T -test, Pearson coefficient of correlation and one-way ANOVA analysis as means of analysis. The main outcomes are as follow: Firstly, the higher the education level, the higher the occupational position and socioeconomic status of the parents, the better are their children's performances in academic scores. Secondly, parents' marital harmony has a positive influence on their children's state of learning. In the cases of single-parent families or grandparent rearing families caused by divorce or the death of one spouse, the academic performance of children are comparatively unsatisfactory. Thirdly, there is no significant impact on elementary school students' academic performances while their mothers are foreign spouses. Fourthly, the level of monthly income of the families has a highly positive relationship with children’s academic performances. Based on the result in the research, our suggestions for parents, schools and educational institutions are: Firstly, the academic performance of children from single-parent families or grandparent rearing families that caused by divorce are comparatively unsatisfactory. We suggest that parents should try to maintain the wholeness and integrity of the family in order to have better influences on children's academic learning. Secondly, children from families with low socioeconomic status, single-parent families, grandparent rearing families, and low-income families are in a more vulnerable position, we thus suggest that the authorities, school and educational institutions would have to provide remedial teaching for students of these disadvantaged families, in order to improve their academic achievement.


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