  • 學位論文


Using Cluster Analysis and Kano Model to Investigate Lifestyle Effects on the Customer Service Strategy: An Example of Automotive Repair Industry

指導教授 : 黃勇富


近年來由於汽車維修廠所提供的服務差異性愈來愈少,同業間替代性也愈來愈高,在這競爭激烈的汽車維修市場中,良好的顧客服務品質被視為企業成功最重要的關鍵因素之一。而為了要滿足顧客的需求,必頇了解顧客所需要的服務品質屬性,並且以此為基礎提供顧客所需要的服務。 本研究應用生活型態做為有效區隔市場之基礎,以消費者基本資料為變數,結合集群分析,將有效區隔汽車維修業顧客的特徵。最後,運用有別於傳統顧客偏好的衡量方式的Kano-model為概念,瞭解不同顧客群對於汽車維修業的服務品質項目進行歸納,並透過品質改善指標幫助企業進行更深入的品質改善或加強的措施方案,進而創造企業獲利。經問卷調查後,本研究獲得以下之結論: 一、 運用集群分析後,樣本可分為「務實導向群」和「社交導向群」。 二、 在探討的34個品質要素中,「務實導向群」有1項為瑝然要素、28項為一維要素、6項為無差異要素;而「社交導向群」有4項瑝然品質、23項一維品質、9項無差異品質,大部分要素均具有二維品質特性。 三、 在不同消費者基本資料下,「務實導向群」和「社交導向群」對部分品質要素之看法具有顯著之差異。


In the car maintenance market of this competition vehemence, the good customer service quality is seen to succeed as the enterprise one of the most important key factors.In this study, life style was applied, to be the base for segregating the market effectively. The variables were based on consumers’ basic data, combined with Cluster Analysis, to effectively segregate the characteristics of customers in the automotive repair industry. Finally, the concept of Kano-model different from the measurement methods preferred by traditional customers was used, to understand the items regarding the service quality of the automotive repair industry perceived by different customer groups and to draw conclusions. Also, through Quality Improvement Indicators, enterprises can be assisted to undertake profounder quality improvement or reinforced measures and projects, so as to create enterprise profits. 1. After a cluster analysis, the sample can be divided into practicality directions and social intercourse directions. 2. The results of research found in 34 quality factors: practicality directions 1 item is classified as must-be quality, 28 items are classified as one-dimensional quality and 6 items are classified as indifferent quality. social intercourse directions 4 items are classified as must-be quality, 23 items are classified as one-dimensional quality and 9 items are classified as indifferent quality. 3. Under different basic data of consumer, practicality directions and social intercourse directions have notable difference to the viewpoint of parts of quality main factors.


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