  • 學位論文


A Study on Transfer of Development Rights from the Perspective of the Developer–A Case Study of Taichung City

指導教授 : 王文傑


容積移轉源自於歐美國家為保護文化資產、自然環境及生態保育等所創設發展權移轉制度之特性,台灣將其擴充至全面性適用範疇與市場化,企圖解決長期以來中央與地方政府深陷公共工程建設財政困境壓力,提供建築規劃設計與產品型態朝多元化之方向發展,對於促進房地產市場景氣逐漸活絡,帶動土地投資熱潮,形成一波刺激效果,國內各縣市尤其以台中市容積移轉申請情況相當踴躍,實構成我們深入研究的理由。 本研究認為推動都市計畫容積移轉辦法與落實相關理論基礎和事實間仍存有落差,必須回歸市場機制與實務操作基本層面為進一步探討,並有其必要試圖從各利害關係者的觀點與角度來思考,探討政府主管機關、土地所有權人、建築開發商、消費者等四方面,在進行容積移轉決策時主要影響因素,及其後所衍生利弊關係來論證容積移轉實施成效,針對研究結果所作結論,提出具體之政策建議,希冀能對後續研究有所貢獻,以為未來推動與修訂容積移轉及法令制度時之參考。 經由研究結果發現,政府主管機關得以非財務政策無償取得私有既成道路用地,惟無法取得較完整土地以供開發運用;送出基地之土地所有權人因對於苦等政府徵收補償時程遙遙無期,惟能儘早權益獲得確保與實質金錢補償,而願意以低於公告土地現值價格予以出售;以現有容積移轉市場實際交易行情的價格對於建築開發商具獎勵誘因,平衡以高價取得土地成本之財務,有效地增加其投資開發之意願進而採行此辦法,惟不至於對此所創造出超額利潤之空間,從中藉機獲取暴利;無論於建築開發商潛在獲利空間趨漲或趨跌結果,皆不會直接影響產品銷售訂價,其乃是取決於當時市場實際的行情價格為參考訂價標準,消費者本身並無實質受益,而享有購屋時特別優惠的價格。


Building Capacity Transfer (BCT) is a system derived from the characteristics of the system of Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) adopted in the European countries to protect cultural resources, and natural and ecological environment. It is extensively used and marketised in Taiwan in the attempt to lessen both the central and local governments’ long term financial burden of public facility construction. It helps in multi development of architectural planning and designing, as well as product style selection. It also boosts the real estate market and land investment, hence creating a booming effect. Applications of BT are up all around the country, especially in Taichung City, and it forms a reason for the target study. The study thinks that there is still a gap between implementing the Regulations of Urban Building Capacity Transfer and practicing the related theories, hence a further study into the market mechanism and practical operation is needed, from the view of the system’s beneficiaries. It also thinks that there are four aspects to be examined, including government authorities, land owners, developers, and consumers, which are key factors affecting decision making in BCT implementation. The afterward relationship between benefits and drawbacks evolved by BCT is examined to determine the implementation result of the system. It is concluded by proposing some substantial policies to contribute to future studies, and to act as a reference for the promoting and amending of BCT regulations. It is found in the study that a government authority can acquire a private existing-road land without compensation by non-financial policy, however, it cannot acquire a complete land for further development. A land owner will sell his land with a lower price than the announced land price to protect his rights and to enjoy an earlier substantial compensation while government compensation has no timetable. Current market price of BCT acts as an incentive for the developers to balance their financial sheet on which high land costs are recorded. Developers are more willing to invest by adopting the method, but chances for an excessive return are not expected. Whatever the up or down trend of the developers’ rare of return is, it will not affect the product pricing, for the price is decided by the market, the consumers themselves do not substantially benefit from it, such as a special discount on a house.


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56.廖佳展,2005,現行容積移轉制度下容積移轉估價方法之初探,《土地問題研究季刊》4卷2期,pp. 110~119。
60.劉厚連,2004,我國實施古蹟容積移轉制度之問題檢討,《土地問題研究季刊》3卷2期,pp. 65~74。


