  • 學位論文


A Study of the Narrative Illustration Map Design

指導教授 : 曾培育


敘事性插畫地圖是一種運用插畫圖像來描述空間資訊的介面,例如常見的觀光導覽地圖,除了呈現地圖部分的資訊,還帶有表現地區特色的插畫。本研究基於此概念,根據繪製對象資源與特色的整理分析,訂定出主題意象,發展出敘事性的視覺元素(地圖輪廓外形、標題文字與圖框、指北針、情境插畫、擬人化的角色、景點圖像),並提出明確的透視構圖運用模式(整體構圖採用散點透視法構圖;景點圖像的構圖採用水平投影法-斜投影構圖與寫實具象化表現方式)。因此,所呈現的地圖作品不但具有導覽的功能,還描繪了許多生動、活潑、豐富的情境插畫,營造出特定的情境故事,以圖文訴說繪製地區過去的發展歷史與現在的面貌,這些細節提升了作品的層次與文化內涵,並突顯繪製地區的資源與特色,具有教育性與圖解宣傳的功能。 本研究分為四個階段:第一階段為文獻與學理,藉由探討地圖、插畫與敘事設計理論等相關文獻,歸納出現有文獻的研究成果與待討論的問題,進而提出研究與設計命題;第二階段為敘事性插畫地圖作品案例分析,以敘事性插畫地圖文化符碼、視覺傳達設計、美學與插畫等相關理論建構出敘事性插畫地圖的分析方法與設計方法;第三階段為敘事性插畫地圖設計創作,以宜蘭酒廠、布袋鹽田、七股鹽田、溪湖糖廠、虎尾糖廠、總爺糖廠、花蓮糖廠、台東糖廠作為創作對象,創作過程與結果應證理論(設計方法)之可行;第四階段為作品評析,分析本創作與一般插畫地圖之差異與成果分析,最後為結論與建議。


地圖 敘事 插畫


Narrative illustration map is an interface using to describe space information, not only its position, but also its characteristics. This study based on the point sets up the perspective view and the intent of main topics of the maps, and develops their visual elements, such as the outline of map, the words of topic and the picture frames, the compass, the situation illustration, the anthropomorphic characters, and the images of scenes. Thus, according to the analysis about the resource and its characteristics, the maps build up the specific situation story, and using pictures and words to describe the history of the place, and its present state. Therefore, narrative illustrated map is not only full of the function of overview, also with vivid illustrations inside it, and these details will raise up the level of the work and the cultural cultivation, which points out the resource and characteristics of one place, with the function of communication and education. The study is divided into four part: The first part discusses the documents and theory with maps, illustrations and the narrative design theory. The second part is the analysis of narrative illustrated map examples, with the cultural symbols, visual communication, and aesthetics of illustration, to build up the analysis and design methods of narrative illustrated map. The third part is the creation of narrative illustration maps of Yi-Lian Distillery, Bu-Dai Fields Salt, Chi-Gu Salt Fields, Xi-Hu Sugar Factory, Hu-wei Sugar Factory, Tsung-Yeh Sugar Factory, Hua-Lian Sugar Factory, and Tai-Tung Sugar Factory. The forth part analyzes the creation result, to compare the differences between the creations and ordinary illustration maps, and comes with conclusion and suggestions. The process and result of creation which exams the theory point will present the value of the study.


Illustration Narrative Map


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