  • 學位論文


A study on the Relationship Among of Self-Evaluation, Powerlessness and Teacher Enthusiasm of Hospitality Vocational's teacher: A case of Taichung City

指導教授 : 鄭政宗


本研究以台中市高職餐旅群專業教師為研究對象,探討教師的自我評價與無力感對教學熱忱之影響,並了解各構面之現況。本研究採立意抽樣,共計發放200份問卷,有效問卷為187份,運用敘述統計分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析與結構方程式來進行資料處理,分析結果如下:台中市高職餐旅群專業教師以任教於學校規模49班以上,且年資為6~10年的31~40歲之女性專任教師為最多,其專業背景多數為餐旅科系組畢業,而學歷則以碩士學位居多;另外,教師的婚姻狀況為已婚有小孩,且目前無在職進修者佔多數。在教師的性別、年齡、婚姻狀況、擔任職務、最高學歷、專業背景及學校規模等背景變項,對各構面具有顯著差異。整體而言,台中市高職餐旅群專業教師的自我評價對教學熱忱有顯著正向影響,而無力感則對教學熱忱有顯著負向影響。 本研究建議台中市高職餐旅群學校可舉辦多元化的餐飲暨觀光研習課程,提供教師到國外廚藝學校參訪的機會,並在教師辛苦訓練學生參與比賽後,落實實質獎勵及表揚,以提升教師自我評價;此外教師應肯定自我,建立教學責任感,並且在教學的過程中,關懷自我的身心健康,強化教學熱忱。 關鍵字:餐旅群專業教師、自我評價、無力感、教學熱忱


In this study we take the Taichung City of hospitality vocation’s teacher as the participants, to figure out what are the effect of self-evaluation, powerlessness and teacher enthusiasm of hospitality vocation’s teacher, and what are situations of each variable. In this study we used the purposive sampling, deliver 200 surveys and get 187 valid surveys back. We use the descriptive statistical analysis, ANOVA test, independent samples T test, and structural equation modeling to analyze the collected data, and come out with the following consequences: Taichung City of hospitality vocation’s teacher to teach more than 49 classes on school size, and teaching 6 years to 10 years, which age between 31 to 40 years of full-time teachers to a maximum of Women, most of his professional background as a hospitality graduate faculty group, the master's degree in education is the mostly; besides, teacher's marital status is married with children, and currently no job training accounted for the majority. Teachers with different backgrounds, like gender, age, marital status, position, educational background, professional background and school size, with significant differences in all facets. Overall, Taichung City of hospitality vocation’s teacher’s self-evaluation has significant positive impact on teaching enthusiasm, and powerlessness is significant negative impact on the teaching enthusiasm. This study suggests Taichung City of hospitality vocations school can held a wide range of hospitality and tourism training courses, provide opportunities for teachers to visit the foreign culinary school. And implement the substantive awards and recognition, after teacher training students to participate in the game hard, to enhance teachers' self-evaluation. In the teaching process, teachers should certainly self-build teaching responsibility, physical and mental health care for self, strengthening teaching enthusiasm. Key words: Hospitality professional teachers, self-evaluation, powerlessness, teacher enthusiasm.




