  • 學位論文


A Study on Organizational Change Recognition and Organizational Citizenship Behavior of the Teachers in a Complete High School

指導教授 : 陳聰文


本研究旨在探討國民中學轉型為完全中學後,教師對於組織變革的認知與組織公民行為的差異情形,針對臺中市目前完全中學的學校對教師作問卷調查,以期能達成以下之研究目的:1.瞭解組織變革後完全中學教師對學校變革適應之現況。2.探討不同背景變項教師在組織變革認知之差異情形。3.瞭解完全中學教師組織公民行為之現況。4.探討不同背景變項教師在組織公民行為之差異情形。5.探討組織變革認知與組織公民行為的相關情形。綜合研究結果提出具體建議,以供學校與教育研究相關單位之參考。本研究使用SPSS 套裝軟體進行統計分析。研究結果發現:1.學校組織變革認知與教師組織公民行為有低度的正相關;2.不同任教部別、服務年資、任教科目在學校組織變革認知上有顯著差異;3.在溝通與保障認知上男性教師顯著高於女性教師且行政人員顯著高於導師與專任教師;4.不同學歷在學校組織變革認知上沒有顯著差異;5.不同服務年資、學歷、職務在教師組織公民行為上有顯著差異;6.不同性別、任教部別、任教科目在教師組織公民行為上沒有顯著差異;7.在教師組織公民行為上11-20年教師顯著高於5-10年教師;8.在教師組織公民行為上教師兼組長顯著高於導師;9.在教師組織公民行為上一般大學畢業教師與研究所畢業教師顯著高於師範院校畢業教師。


The purpose of the study was to explore the related differences between the organizational change recognition and organizational citizenship behavior for teachers after the junior high schools reorganized to complete high schools. Through the questionnaire for teachers in complete high schools in Taichung City, the major objectives of the study are:1. to understand the teachers’ in complete high school adaption after the organizational change; 2. to investigate the differences among teachers` different background variables; 3. to understand the current situation of organizational citizenship behaviors in complete high schools’ teachers; 4. to investigate the differences in organizational citizenship behaviors among different background variables; 5. to investigate the interrelated situation between the organizational change and the organizational citizenship behaviors of teachers. According to the data analyzed, the research proposes some suggestions to schools and further studies. I used SPSS to analyze the data, the finding of this research are in the following: 1. there is positive between the organizational change recognition and organizational citizenship behavior; 2. there are obvious differences among teachers in different department, seniority and subjects; 3. in communication and ensured recognition, male teachers are higher than female as administrators higher than homeroom teachers and ordinary teachers; 4. there is no difference in school organizational change recognition among teachers in different diploma; 5. there is obvious difference in organizational citizenship behaviors among teachers in different seniority, diploma and or positions; 6.there is no difference in organizational citizenship behaviors among teachers in different genders, departments and subjects; 7. in organizational citizen behaviors, teachers teaching for 11-20 years are obvious higher than for 5-10 years; 8. in organizational citizenship behaviors, the leaders is obvious higher than homeroom teacher; 9. in organizational citizenship behaviors, teachers graduating from university and having a master degree are obvious higher than those from teacher training colleges, and normal universities.


尹衍樑(1988)。組織變革策略對組織承諾之影響研究— 以潤泰工業股份有限公司電腦化為例。國立政治大學企業管理研究所博士論文。未出版,台北市。
