  • 學位論文


Willingness to pay and the factors to use home-delivered mealsfor the community-dwelling elderly

指導教授 : 徐慧娟


摘要 目的:本研究目的為了解影響社區老人自費使用送餐服務的因素、及各類送餐服務之願付價格。 方法:以台中市甘霖基金會附設老人大學學員為調查對象,以雙邊二分法自製之問卷為調查工具,共發放問卷523份,回收問卷268份,回收率為51.3%,有效問卷共232份。本研究所提出之送餐服務項目包括個別化送餐服務、問安及確認安危送餐服務、半成品送餐服務、以及集體聚餐送餐服務。資料分析方法採邏輯式迴歸模式與複迴歸模式進行分析。 結果:研究參與者願意自費使用送餐服務的比率達91.0%,對四種送餐服務願付價格平均分別為:個別化送餐服務99.63元、問安及確認安危送餐服務107.33元、半成品送餐服務為43.66元、集體聚餐113.13元。與自費購買送餐服務意願相關之因素有:外出購物是否須爬樓梯;與自費購買個別化送餐服務意願相關之因素有:午晚餐平均餐費;與自費購買體聚餐送餐服務意願相關之因素有:住家附近是否有市場或賣場;資料分析結果並未發現明顯與自費購買問安及確認安危送餐服務意願及自費購買半成品送餐服務意願相關之因素。與自費購買個別化及問安及確認安危送餐服務價格相關之因素有:午晚餐平均餐費;與自費購買半成品送餐服務價格相關之因素有:外出購物是否須爬樓梯;與自費購買體聚餐送餐服務價格相關之因素有:住家附近是否有市場。 結論:社區老人有接受送餐服務之需要、並且有相當高之意願自費使用送餐服務及送餐之外衍生之相關服務。建議民間相關機構重視社區老人送餐及相關服務之市場、政府單位能擬定獎勵措施及督促規範、協助建立服務提供平台,以鼓勵民間機構提供相關服務。


Abstract Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore the willingness of using out-of-pocket home-delivered meals and the willingness-to-pay price of four types of the services for the community-dwelling elderly. Methods: The participants were from the students of The Elderly University of Taichung Ganlin Foundation, a non-governmental organization about social welfare. Data were collected by self-filled questionnaires under the instruction of the researcher. Total 524 persons were issued. 268 persons participated the interview, with participation rate of 51.3%. Only 232 questionnaires were completed and valid. The four types of the home-delivered meal service were the individualized meals, safety confirmation service, semi-processed food with menu, and dinner-party with transportation and health conference activity every month. Logistic regression was conducted for analysis. Results: There was 91.0% of the participant’s willingness to purchase home-delivered meals. The average willingness-to-pay price of the four kind of services were: NT 99.6 dollars for individualized meals, NT 107.3 dollars for safety confirmation service, NT 43.7 dollars for semi-processed food, and NT 113.1 dollars for dinner-party activity. The factors related to willingness of purchasing home-delivered meals was "climbing stairs is necessary when go out for shopping.”. Average price of current meals was related to using individualized meals and market nearby was related to use dinner party activity. The factors related to the price of the four services included: average price of current meals was related to individualized meals and safety confirm, climbing stairs when shopping for grocery was related to semi-processed food, and market nearby was related to the price of attending dinner party activity. Discussion: Although the result can not generalize to all the elderly population, there are need of using home-delivered meals and some elderly are willing to pay for different kinds of such services. We suggest that the private sectors may develop and invest the home-delivered meal services. The government should set up the regulations to assure the quality and encourage the service development.


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