  • 期刊


A Reassessment of Jiang Jieshi and the Policy of Alliance with the Soviet Union




Due to the influence of the hindsight and politics, historians in the West, the Mainland China and Taiwan have had polar opinions of Jiang Jieshi: often either completely negative or completely positive. Yet, there is a ”consensus” among historians on both sides of Taiwan Strait. They all believe that after Jiang Jieshi's visit of the Soviet Union in 1923, he was worried about the future of Sino-Soviet relations. Many even agree that he actively opposed the policy of alliance with the Soviet Union. Having tested these assertions against available new materials on this subject, we find that past research has over-simplified this part of history, which, in reality, exists a gray area. Jiang Jieshi was not an anti-communist prophet, nor a double-faced anti-communist intriguer. Rather, he was a loyal member of the Nationalist Party (Guomindang) who identified with certain aspects of the Soviet revolution but who also had some serious reservations about that revolution. In fact, in the early period of the Northern Expedition, he consistently supported Sun Yat-sen's policy of allying with the Soviet Union. We must study hang Jieshi as a human being, not as a saint nor a demon, in order to understand his true place in China's history. This perspective in combination with newly available materials, should provide an opportunity to gain a better understanding of Jiang Jieshi and of the early Sino-Soviet relations.


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