  • 學位論文


The Preservation and Presentation of Hakka Language in Multicultural Taiwan: An Analysis on Council for Hakka Affairs’ Promotion of Hakka Language School

指導教授 : 紀舜傑


感念於筆者母語客語的流失問題,筆者採取從較為宏觀的語言學角度來傳達語言的內涵,彰顯語言不只是語言,它對於一個族群和國家來說是具有重要性的。而語言對於族群來說,是一體兩面,兩者缺一不可;語言對於國家來說,更是可以顯示國家資產豐富與否的重要指標。 再者,從臺灣各階段時期(本論文主要將之區分為四大階段)的國家語言政策,由其相關政策的制定與事件來解析語言政策對於族群發展自族語言的影響。在本土化思潮蓬勃發展下,客家運動也隨之風湧而起,表達出振興客家語言及文化的聲音,除了呼籲自族客家人要團結站出來,也要求政府制定出一套平等的語言政策,讓客語也能在公共場合及學校場域,擁有使用與發展的機制。 客語正式進入教育體系是在九年一貫課程中將鄉土語言納入正式課程,然而一個禮拜一節的鄉土語言課,實屬不足,在此情況下對於客語教學、客家文化的認識或是傳播仍是有侷限性,故藉由2003年行政院客家委員會開始推行之客語生活學校計畫做為研究的標的,筆者利用文件分析與深入訪談的方式,探索客語生活學校的現況、施行的內容、學校實施的問題與困難處,最後為客語生活學校目前之成果及展現。筆者希望經由這些面向了解客語(客家文化)在客語生活學校場域下,對客語保存與展現的表現。


Perceiving the situation of Hakka language shift, I as a researcher attempt to convey meanings and functions of the “language” from macro-language studies. Language is not just a language which is important to each ethnic and country. Language to ethnics is one thing with two sides; that’s to say, without one of them, the other one will never be made whole. And Language to countries can be an indicator to evaluate whether a country’s culture assets are plentiful or not. Secondly, under different stages of national language policies, the research tries to analyze the influences of language policy to the development of ethnics. Furthermore, with the growth of localization, Hakka movements came up with it to voice Hakka language and Hakka culture out, which not only want to call for the Hakkas’ consciousness, but also ask the Government to make a set of equal language policies and actions. Hakka language formally enters the education system from the local language as a formal course included in nine-year education plan. However, a course a week is really not enough, and it’s still have many restrictions to have contact or spread of Hakka language/culture teaching and learning. Therefore, researcher want to make an analysis on Council for Hakka Affairs’ promotion of Hakka language school with the approaches of document analysis and interview to explore the present situation, the practice contents, problems or difficulties, and the present positive results and presentations. To sum up, researcher attempts to understand the preservation and presentation of Hakka language(culture) in the field of Hakka language school.


林金花、嚴嘉楓、陳美花。2005。〈質性研究方法:訪談模式與實施步驟分析〉,《身心障礙研究》。Vol. 3(2): 122-136。


