  • 學位論文


The case study of Professional Development of Military Training Instructors in college-bound and on-job Orientations Senior High (Vocational) Schools

指導教授 : 潘慧玲


本研究旨在探討升學與就業導向的高中職軍訓教官之專業發展。爰此,本研究採質性的個案研究,針對兩所個案學校各選取其主任教官、生輔組長、一般教官各1位,共6位教官進行訪談,輔以文件分析,進行資料的蒐集。藉以瞭解軍訓教官專業發展實施現況,並探究不同進路導向高中職學校軍訓教官專業發展需求。根據研究結果,提出本研究的結論如下: 壹、因應時代變遷,軍訓教官角色任務走向多元化,不只扮演全民國防教育教學推動者,更擔任學生生活輔導者、校園秩序與學生安全維護者等多元角色。 貳、不同進路導向之高中職學校,軍訓教官因應在校園所偏重角色任務不同,升學導向的向學高中所需專業發展對於全民國防教育專門知識、課程發展與教學設計等課程教學類為主要需求,學生輔導類、校園安全類則為次要;就業導向之敬業高職以學生輔導類及校園安全類為主要需求,課程教學類則顯得需求較低。 參、現行軍訓教官專業發展活動帶來了促進專業知能與實務經驗相互結合、激勵軍訓教官對教育熱情、啟發軍訓教官專業省思能力等助益。 肆、現行軍訓教官專業發展活動面臨了對於專業發展的認知及學習動機有待加強、教育行政機關所安排專業活動偏向被動式教育形式且課程內容無法面面俱到,兼顧不同學校的需求、軍訓教官存在校園的質疑浪潮影響教官專業發展意願等問題。 基於本研究的發現與結論,文末針對教育行政主管機關、學校、軍訓教官及後續研究者提出相關建議。


軍訓教官 專業發展


This study explored professional development of military training instructors in a college-bound and a vocational senior high school. A qualitative case study was conducted to investigate the current situation of professional development of military training instructors, and to examine their needs of professional development. Interviews as the main method, with document analysis were employed to collect the data. Participants were recruited, including two directors of military instructors, two chief counselors and two military instructors among the two individual schools. According to the investigations, conclusions are as follows: 1. In response to the time change, the role of military instructors is more diversified. They not only play the supporters of Defense Education, but also serve as a life counselor of students. Moreover, The military instructors also carry out the roles of protectors toward the campus discipline and the safety of students. 2. Professional needs of the military instructors vary in the two different types of schools. The military instructors in the college-bound senior high school demonstrate their needs in the knowledge of Defense Education, curriculum development and instructional design, while, counseling and the safety of campus are the professional needs for the military instructors in the vocational senior high school. 3. The professional development activities contribute to the integration of professional knowledge and practical experience, the inspiration of education passion, and the enlightenment of professional reflection in the military instructors. 4. Nowadays the professional development activities for the military instructors has the problems, such as the participant’s lack of learning motivation, the activities arranged by the educational authority tend to adopt a passive and traditional approach, the curriculum cannot meet the individual school’s demands, and the challenge to existence of military instructors influencing the participants’ motives for professional growth. According to the findings and conclusion of the study, suggestions are proposed to educational authority, senior high schools, military training instructors, and future researchers.


