  • 學位論文


The Research on Fire Safety Assessment of Urban Fires

指導教授 : 張寬勇


近年來由於經濟快速的發展,造成社會人口的快速變遷,進而形成都市化。因為都市土地有限,所以都市住宅慢慢形成了高樓林立、住商混用的特有景象。而當火災發生在高密度的住宅時,因為火本身具有容易延燒的特性,所以往往會造成嚴重的人員傷亡及財產損失。在火災起火原因資料中,可以發現火災大部分都是人為因素所引起的。常見的三大起火原因為電氣設備走火、亂丟菸蒂以及人為縱火。這代表大多數火災的發生都是能事先預防的。因此若能找出相關的火災因子,即可找出其相關對策進行研究,以達到預防火災的發生。 本研究以都市結構型態較為相似的臺北市、新北市,以及桃園縣三個城市做為比較,並且配合問卷調查來找出各防火對策之效益,再針對火災對策效果較佳之項目重點推動。並至消防署以臺北市、新北市及桃園縣之消防局網站所公佈之94年至100年消防年報做為依據,將消防年報裡的數據加以統計分析。根據過去的災害次數來預測未來火災發生的次數,透過預測出來的火災發生次數,可做為各縣市政府火災預防績效目標之管理。


防火對策 火災預測 SPSS


Due to the rapid economic development in recent years, resulting in rapid changes of socio-demographic, and urbanization. Because urban land is limited, so urban residential high-rises, housing was gradually formed unique scene that contains mixed. When the fire occurs when a high density residential, because of fire itself easily burn characteristics, so often resulted in serious casualties and property damage. In the fire, the cause of the fire in the data, you can see that majority of fires are caused by human factors. Common causes for an electrical equipment fire, throw cigarette butts and artificial arson. This means that most of the fires occur is prior prevention. So if they can find relevant fire factor, studies can identify their relevant countermeasures, to prevent the occurrence of fire. Study on the patterns of urban structure is more similar to that of Taipei City, New Taipei, Taoyuan County, as well as three cities as a comparing, and, in line with a questionnaire to identify the benefits of fire protection measures, work well against fire countermeasure projects focus on promoting. And Fire Department of Taipei City, fire department Web site announced new Taipei and Taoyuan County Fire Services annual report from 94 to 100 as the basis of the fire data for statistical analysis in the annual report. Based on the number of disasters in the past to predict the future number of fires that occur through the calculated number of fires occurred, can be made to each county and city fire prevention performance objectives of management


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