  • 學位論文


The Development and Research for the Mobile Device Application of the Forty TRIZ Management Innovative Principles

指導教授 : 黃乾怡


在這知識經濟的競爭環境下,企業為追求永續發展,紛紛為「創新」投入大量資源。然而創新結果的預期並不容易,如何提高創新所帶來的效益儼然成為一項重要課題。TRIZ管理方法本身是一套系統化的創新問題思考方法。透過問題描述、39項管理參數選擇、矛盾矩陣建立、建議的40個創新原則等工具,對解決經營管理或非工程領域的問題皆有顯著幫助。然而TRIZ方法的使用除了經常需要參閱大量資料外,皆需對於每一項管理參數與創新原則有一定程度的理解,甚為不便。近年來,行動裝置的發展以趨於成熟,已逐漸取代傳統個人電腦的地位,其擁有不受地域與時間限制的便利性,善加利用將會帶來許多優勢與機會。 本研究將透過將TRIZ方法與行動裝置的便利性結合,研發出一套行動裝置的應用程式,以利使用者在面臨經營管理問題時,能隨時隨地取得TRIZ方法所提供的建議創新原則進而啟發出合適的解決方案。使用者在面臨參數選擇或創新(原則)思考時,常受到知識範疇的不足造成選擇判斷上的缺陷。因此本研究利用對39項管理參數除了解釋外,賦予相關詞的描述與動態圖像,藉以提高參數選擇效率。40個創新原則除解釋外,增列範例,並透過動態圖像解釋之,協助使用者得以具體化思考。透過矛盾或單一參數矩陣,在面臨不論是否存在矛盾訊息的問題時,皆得以使用TRIZ方法。本研究分別列舉出單一和矛盾管理問題,透過此系統,獲得建議的創新原則,進而思考出合適的解決方案。


In the competitive environment of knowledge economy, enterprises have contributed a lot of resources to “Innovation” that pursues sustainable development. However, the results of innovation isn’t easy to anticipate. How to increase the performance of Innovation has become an important topic. TRIZ Management method is a systematic method for innovative thinking. It is of significant help management problems in non-engineering fields by using a number of approaches such as Identifying a problem, 39 management Parameters, the matrix of contradictions and 40 innovative principles. However using TRIZ method often requires to look into a great body of references. In addition, the researcher must be familiar with Management Parameter and innovative principle. Recently, the development of mobile devices has become more and more mature. Mobile devices is convenient-to-use, that have gradually replaced the traditional PC. Using Mobile Devices will bring greater Strengths and more opportunities. This study will integrate TRIZ method with the convenience of Mobile Devices, develop mobile application. While encountering the problems of operation and management, it helps the user to utilize TRIZ method to generate solution from TRIZ 40 innovative principles. Without having enough know-how, the users usually make mistake in selecting parameter or innovative principle thinking. In this study, we provide not only explanation of 39 management Parameters but also put related phrase and animation which enhancing Parameter selection Efficiency. 40 innovative principles is similar to 39 management Parameters, but 40 innovative principles provide management case study by animation. It help the user to produce concrete solutions. The matrix of contradictions or the matrix of single parameter can be used even if the contradiction information doesn’t exist. This study enumerates single parameter management problem and contradiction management problem through the mobile application to propose some innovative principles, and further find out the generate solution.


TRIZ Management Innovation iPad Tablet PC Moblie Application


5.李枝環,「應用TRIZ 和TOC 手法解決產品問題~以互動式投影機為例」,兩岸機電暨產學合作學術研討會,新竹,2009,第61-68頁


