  • 學位論文

如何降低備用零件成本之案例研究 -以中芯半導體廠為例

How to Reduce the Spare Parts Cost – A Case Study of SMIC Wafer Fab

指導教授 : 宮大川


摘要 對於案例研究公司-中芯國際集成電路製造(上海)有限公司(SMIC)在設備備用零件的管理方面,我們所面臨的問題就是如何迅速地取得充分且正確的訊息以做為管理的依據,例如使用者手上的零件數量有多少?可維修的零件是否送修並使用?需要定期更換的零件是否準時更換?造成該問題的主要困難點,肇因於備用零件之管理往往牽涉到企業資源規劃系統(Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP)以及製造執行系統(Manufacturing Execution System, MES)。而SMIC在構建以上兩項複雜且獨立的系統時,備用零件訊息方面並未完善予以整合,導致管理人員無法充分地掌握備用零件的現狀,一旦零件自倉庫領出後,無法持續追蹤該零件的現狀,對使用者所提出的用料預估及領料需求的合理性無法做迅速且客觀的判斷。 為解決以上問題,SMIC構建並導入一備用零件管控程序-PTMS*(Parts Management System),來整合儲存於ERP以及MES中的備用零件訊息。並定義出9種原本訊息分別儲存於使用者及MES中之備用零件狀態:空閒中(Free),使用中(InUse),等待替換中(Swapped),待維修(WaitRepair),已維修(Repaired),待報廢中(Scrap), 等待退庫(Returned),等待維修部門維修中(WaitOE),維修部門外送維修中(OutRepair),以詳細釐清備用零件自倉庫領出後之的狀態。最後,整合以上訊息並應用於用料預估系統及領料/退料系統中,以達到即時檢視備用零件需求計畫之準確性,評估維修人員領料數量是否合理以避免濫用等監控的功能,達到充分、迅速、正確地提供管理資訊及建議。 因此,本文探討SMIC如何建構一備用零件管控程序-PTMS來對備用零件做合理、有效的控管以達降低備用零件使用成本的目的。 關鍵詞:備用零件管控程序,企業資源規劃系統,製造執行系統,備用零件


Abstract As to the case study company-SMIC (Semiconductor Manufacturing International (Shanghai)Corp.), the major problem of spare parts management we are facing is how to quickly access the sufficient, on-line and accurate information for the management purpose. Such as how many spare parts the users kept on hand? Are the repairable parts well repaired and reused? The parts are replaced on equipments on schedule? The major cause is that the management of spare parts should always refer to the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and MES (Manufacturing Execution System), but SMIC did not fully integrate these two complex and independent systems, so as to the Material Control people cannot access the updated parts stuatus. As soon as the spare parts are issued from warehouse, we cannot keep on tracking their status. And we have no objective base for the revision of Material Requisition and usage forecast. To solve these problems, SMIC designed and implemented a spare parts control procedure-PTMS* (Parts Management System). It is proposed to integrate the pare parts information within the ERP and MES. In PTMS, we define 9 kinds of spare parts major status from the parts are issued from warehouse. They are: Free, InUse, Swapped, WaitRepair, Repaired, Scrap, Returned, WaitOE and OutRepair. The 9 kinds of spare parts status are used to clearly identify the current status as soon as a part is issued from warehouse. Finally, we integrate all information above and apply to the Spare Parts Forecast System and Material Requisition/Return System. These two systems will judge whether the usage forecast of spare parts is reasonable or not? Also, it can judge/review the requested quantity in user’s Material Requisition to free from abusing parts. With above monitoring functions, PTMS can provide sufficient, on-line and accurate information for the management purpose. In this paper, we study how SMIC to build up the spare parts control procedure-PTMS to manage the spare parts reasonably and efficiently. Eventually, it completes the goal of cost reduction of spare parts. Keywords: Part Management System, ERP, MES, Spare Parts


Part Management System ERP MES Spare Parts


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