  • 學位論文


Systematical thinking of promoting the Army Command and Staff Procedures

指導教授 : 劉士豪


自93年陸軍引進軍事決心策定程序(MDMP)內涵後,修編陸軍指參作業程序推展至今已十年,在這十年中,不論在教學、部隊演訓使用或準則修編上出現諸多觀念溝通、排斥及認知疑義問題,致使陸軍在推展指參作業程序上,產生一些窒礙問題。 指參作業程序定義:自受領任務起至任務完成為止的過程。其區分計畫作為、作戰準備及作戰執行三個階段,其中計畫作為階段引用MDMP,其程序為「受領任務、任務分析、研擬、分析、比較、核准行動方案及策頒計畫」;作戰準備階段,須完成「持續偵察敵情與地形、協調聯絡、任務編組、安全防護、實施預演、後勤整備、戰前檢查、部隊機動及修改與精進計畫」等事項;作戰執行階段,其程序為「受領任務、狀況判斷、作戰指導、執行命令」等四項。指參作業程序計畫作為階段,以產製作戰計畫為主;計畫執行階段,則將計畫依實況實施修訂,轉成命令及執行作戰命令為主。 「系統思維」為解決問題的一種思維方法,本研究藉各種系統基模為基礎,運用其環狀因果互動影響系統模式,探究現行陸軍指參作業程序整體推展複雜窒礙問題及精進作法。


Abstract It has been 10 years of using the Army Command and Staff Procedures since the army first introduced the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP) from the U.S. army. In the past decades, the army has encountered many difficulties, such as ambiguous understandings, exclusions, etc. Thus, this leads the army to a hardship promoting the Army Command and Staff Procedures. The Army Command and Staff Procedures begins with receipt of mission and ends with the completion of the mission. There are three phases in the procedures, planning, preparation, and execution. The planning part derives from the MDMP which includes receipt of mission, mission analysis, COA development, COA analysis, COA comparison, COA approval and conduct OPLAN. For the preparation, there are some things to be done, such as reconnaissance, coordination, task organization, protection, rehearsals, logistics, pre-combat check, maneuver, and refined OPLAN. The execution contains four parts which are receipt of mission, situational estimates, operational guidance, and the execution and assessment of the OPORD. In the procedures, the key of the planning is the production of the OPLAN. However, the execution emphasizes more on the refined plan in accordance with what happens in the battle field and turns it into the execution of the OPORD. Systematical thinking is a method to solve problems. This article based on a variety of systematic archetypes is written to know better on the complexity and the improvements of the Army Command and Staff Procedures by utilizing the circular cause and effect systems.


Operations Process, FM 5-0 , 2010, chapter 5,p5-8.
Peter M.Senge著,郭進隆、齊若蘭譯(2010a)。第五項修練(全新增訂版)。天下文化。台北。頁117。
Peter M.Senge著,郭進隆譯(1994a)。第五項修練-學習型組織的藝術與實務。天下文化。台北。頁135。
Peter M.Senge著,郭進隆譯(1994b)。第五項修練-學習型組織的藝術與實務。天下文化。台北。頁133-134。
