  • 學位論文


Study of Influence of China Four Free Trade Zones and Cities Attributes on Investment Environment -- Typology View of Entry Strategy for Taiwanese Enterprises

指導教授 : 呂鴻德


中國大陸已邁向「新常態」局勢,在經濟增長上也邁入中高速之階段,中國大陸領導人習近平曾說:「世間萬物,變動不居,明者因時而變,知者隨事而制。」由此可知中國大陸經濟面臨「轉型」、「改革」與「創新」之處境,因此中國大陸經貿突破上,對外需要隨時適應全球脈動,對內將提高經貿改革與創新上的新質量如:「一帶一路」、「亞投行」、「四大自貿區」或「中國大陸2025」,藉此有利於中國大陸未來在經貿趨勢仍保持良好姿態與穩定轉型,也為世界提供更多經貿成長之契機。此外,連台商布局中國大陸已逾二十餘載也不例外,受到「新常態」的出現,台商也面臨轉型的機會,因此探討中國大陸台商會如何布局此次新常態中中國大陸四大自貿區之商機,與目前台商進入類型與中國大陸四大自貿區之影響。 有鑑於此,本研究探討中國大陸四大自貿區、中國大陸四大自貿區所轄城市之屬性、投資環境力與台商進入模式,依據相關文獻探討,選出相關變數加以研究包含:(1)中國大陸四大自貿區分為:「直轄市型」與「省級型」;(2)中國大陸四大貿易區所轄成是屬性分為:「雙重屬性城市」與「單一屬性城市」;(3)投資環境分為:「法制環境」、「經濟環境力」、「經營環境力」、「創新環境力」、「網通環境力」與「內需環境力」;(4)台商進入類型分為:「獨資」、「合資」與「策略聯盟」。透過問卷方式,做進一步探討,回收有效問卷265份進行統計分析,經歸納研究結果得到以下結論: 1.中國大陸四大自貿區與投資環境力有顯著影響。 2.中國大陸四大自貿區所轄七城市與投資環境力有顯著影響。 3.台商進入類型與中國大陸四大貿易區之差異。 4.台商進入類型與投資環境力之差異。


China has entered “the new normal” and its economy has been growing at medium-to-high speed. Chinese leader Xi Jinping once said: “Everything in the world keeps changing, and the wise people response differently depending on different times and circumstances.” China’s economy is now in a phase that needs reform and innovation. In relation to future overseas trading strategy, it needs to keep adapting to global trend. As to domestic trading strategy, it needs to raise the quality of trade and economic reform such as: “the Belt and Road” “Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank” “Four Free Trade Zones” “Mainland China 2025”, which makes China competitive in the future economy trend and also gives other countries more opportunities to grow. Also, Taiwanese Enterprises has the chance to reform because of “the new normal”. The main purpose of the study is to examine what impact “the new normal” had on the Taiwanese Enterprises in China, and how they reacted to it. The variables in the study include (1)“Four Free Trade Zones (Municipality/Province)”;(2) “Cities Attributes (double/single)” ;(3)“Investment Environment (legal system/economy system/operation/innovation/network/domestic demand)” (4)“Entry Types (sole proprietorship/partnership/ strategic alliance)”. The study analyzed 265 valid questionnaires and had the following conclusions: 1. Four Free Trade Zones is associated with Investment Environment. 2. Cities Attributes is associated with Investment Environment. 3. The differences of Entry Types and Four Free Trade Zones. 4. The differences of Entry Types and Investment Environment. Key Words:Free Trade Zone、City Attributes、Investment Environment、Entry Typology、Entry Strategy


5.熊欣華、于卓民、司徒達賢(2004),策略聯盟夥伴之合作信心建立-台灣資訊電子業之實證分析,管理學報 21.4,頁477-497。
1.United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific(2006), Free Trade Zone and Port Hinterland Development.
