  • 學位論文


A Study of the Senior High Continuation School Students' Attitudes of Civic Participation in the Three Counties/Cities in Mid-Taiwan

指導教授 : 董秀蘭 博士


中文摘要 本研究採調查研究法,探討高中職進修學校學生的公民參與態度及其對提昇公民參與意願相關議題之觀點,以臺灣中部三縣市高中職進修學校學生為對象。 本研究獲得如下之結果: 一、整體而言,臺灣中部三縣市進修學校學生的公民參與態度趨向於積極,但仍有可加強空間。 二、在個人變項上,女學生的公民參與態度顯著較男學生積極;滿十八歲與未滿十八歲學生的公民參與態度則無顯著差異。 三、在家庭變項上,父母管教方式屬積極型學生的公民參與態度顯著較屬放任型學生積極;不同語言族群及家庭社經地位學生的公民參與態度則無顯著差異。 四、在學校變項上,就讀非商、工業類學生的公民參與態度顯著較商業類及工業類學生積極,就讀商業類學生又顯著較工業類學生積極;具3-4學期或5-6學期幹部經歷學生的公民參與態度顯著較無幹部經歷學生積極;學生知覺的校園民主氣氛程度愈高,其公民參與態度也愈積極。 五、在社會參與變項上,曾經參加社會服務團體或活動學生的公民參與態度顯著較未曾參加學生積極;具不同職場經歷學生的公民參與態度則無顯著差異。 六、「校園民主氣氛」、「工業類虛擬變項」、「幹部經歷3-4學期虛擬變項」、「國語虛擬變項」四個變項對臺灣中部三縣市進修學校學生公民參與態度具有預測力。 七、在提昇公民參與意願的負責主體上,學生傾向於認同「政府」、「政黨」、「社會團體」及「公民本身」均是主體之一,其重要性依序為「公民本身」、「政府」、「政黨」、「社會團體」。 八、在提昇公民參與意願的有效途徑上,學生傾向於認同「法制途徑」與「教育途徑」均是有效途徑之一,而且「教育途徑」比「法制途徑」來得重要。 九、在提昇公民參與意願的決定性因素上,學生傾向於認同「具備充分的參與知識與能力」、「認為參與公共事務具有價值與意義」、「資訊公開且充分」及「管道普及且暢通」均是決定性因素之一,其重要性依序為「管道普及且暢通」、「資訊公開且充分」、「認為參與公共事務具有價值與意義」、「具備充分的參與知識與能力」。 本研究最後並根據文獻探討、研究發現與個人心得等對教育相關單位及教育工作者、為人父母者、政府與政黨及社會團體以及後續研究提出建議。 【關鍵字】臺灣中部三縣市、進修學校、公民參與態度、父母管教方式、家庭社經地位、校園民主氣氛


Abstract This study employed questionnaire survey to investigate students’ attitudes of civic participation and their perspectives toward improving the commitment to civic participation. The targeted population was students of the senior high continuation schools in Taichung City, Taichung County and Nantou County. The followings are main findings generated from this study: 1. Generally speaking, the targeted students’ attitudes of civic participation tend to be positive, but still improvable. 2. Female students’ attitudes are significantly positive than male ones’; there is no obvious difference between adult students (who are over 18 years old) and adolescent ones. 3. Students whose parents apply the positive discipline model show significantly positive attitudes of civic participation than those of the indulgent model; there is no obvious difference between students of various linguistic groups or socio-eco statuses. 4. The attitudes of students studying in the non-commercial, non-industrial departments are significantly positive than those of studying in commercial or industrial departments; students with 3-to-4/5-to-6-semester cadre experiences are significantly positive in attitudes than those without such experiences; the higher the level students sense their school’s democratic atmosphere, the more positive their attitudes are. 5. Students who have ever participated in social service organizations or activities are significantly positive in attitudes than those without such experiences; there is no obvious difference between students of various working experiences. 6. The four effective variables in predicting students’ attitudes of civic participation are the school’s democratic atmosphere, the virtual variable of industrial departments, the virtual variable of 3-to-4-semester cadre experience and the virtual variable of Mandarin. 7. Students tend to agree that citizens themselves, the government, political parties, and social organizations are all responsible for promoting students’ commitment to civic participation (shown by the order of importance). 8. Students tend to agree that both legal system and educational approaches are effective for promoting students’ commitment to civic participation, and the educational approach is more important than the legal system one. 9. Students tend to agree that “pervasive and unimpeded approaches of participation”, “free and adequate access to public affair information”, “understanding the meaningfulness of participating in civic affairs”, and “possessing adequate knowledge and ability” are all decisive factors (shown by the order of importance). Finally, suggestions are offered to education organizations, educators, parents, the government, political parties, social organizations, and successive researchers. Keywords: the three counties/cities in mid-Taiwan, continuation school, attitudes of civic participation, parents’ discipline model, family’s socio-eco status, school’s democratic atmosphere


余 霖(1985),《影響國中生政治社會化的學校因素》,未出版之碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學教育研究所,臺北市。


