  • 學位論文


Narrative Research of Individuals from Low Socioeconomic Background in Process of Perceiving Happiness in Their Current Career

指導教授 : 李佩怡


本研究旨在理解低社經背景者如何能在目前生涯中知覺有幸福感的歷程。具體而言,本研究探究低社經背景者能逐漸知覺有幸福感的生涯歷程經驗、其在此歷程中如何因應所遇到的挑戰,以及探究其從中所發展出的幸福生涯觀。研究者採用敘事研究法,以立意取樣的方式邀請三位來自低社經背景而在目前生涯中知覺有幸福感之成人接受訪談,並依「整體—內容」、「整體-形式」與「類別—內容」分析模式對訪談資料進行分析。 研究結果發現如下:1.低社經背景者知覺幸福生涯歷程呈現有共通的結構,可分為三個階段。(1)「努力蓄積階段」:面對處理環境中經濟資源匱乏的挑戰,蓄積未來自立能力,在情感與精神資源皆匱乏的家庭環境中成長;(2)「轉變上升階段」:將長期養成的內在資源用於適應與改善自身處境,同時因遇有能提供支持與協助的外在資源而獲得生涯改善契機;(3)「穩定維持階段」:生活的物質、情感與精神層面均比早年家境要明顯改善,收到來自成長背景的禮物,以正向眼光詮釋過去困境,從自身的生活體驗形塑出穩固的幸福生涯觀並以此持續創造幸福感。 2.知覺幸福生涯歷程中因應所遇挑戰的資源為:(1)個人內在資源:(a)擁有助益其適應與發展的先天個人能力;(b)在充滿壓力源的低社經環境中磨練出豐富的正向心理資源;(2)環境外在資源:(a)適時協助的社會人際資源:受益於父母的教育與引導,來自親戚慷慨的經濟協助,身邊重要他人有正向狀態,幸運能成長於淳樸友善的社區,獲得師長穩定的關懷、指導與肯定,獲得老闆的賞識與重用;(b)多元豐富的公益社福資源:受益於政府的福利政策與資源,社會公益機構的資源,與來自學校與各界管道多元的獎學金;(c)可生活在自主平等的社會環境。(3)內外在資源的聯結與共同增長。 3、低社經背景者的幸福生涯觀為:(1)受到貧窮背景與生命歷練的影響,在物質方面深深體認「能知足就有幸福」;(2)珍惜終能脫離早年貧困處境,擁有一份提供生活所需的穩定工作;(3)專注在個人所擁有的美好生活,無因社會比較而產生的負面情緒;(4)要在工作之餘常從事能讓自己全心投入的活動;(5)為達成個人目標努力奮鬥能帶來幸福感受;(6)社交參與及情感關係的培養是幸福感的主要來源;(7)要創造有別於早年的親子互動氣氛,用心善待父母與維持和諧關係;(8)能經營平凡安穩有愛的生活即是幸福。 根據研究結果,低社經背景成長環境確有諸多挑戰,但也提供個人因經磨練而擁有豐富心理資源,與整合形塑幸福生涯觀的機會。願意以正向態度面對,用心經營穩定情感與物質生活,並持續實踐幸福生涯觀的人,能在生活中體會到幸福感。 最後,根據研究過程與結果,提出本研究的限制、建議,與研究者的反思。


This research aimed to explore the course of individuals from low socioeconomic background perceiving happiness in their current career. In particular, the research explored how low socioeconomic background people gradually perceive happiness in their career experiences, how they cope with challenges they met during their career experiences, and how they develop their view of happy career. The researcher used purposive sampling to choose three adult participants who grew up in low socioeconomic background and were able to perceive sense of happiness in their present career to take interviews, and the narrative interview data were analyzed using “holistic-content”, “holistic-form” and “categorical-content” approach. The results indicated that: 1. Low socioeconomic background participants’ career experiences shared a similar structure, which presents three stages. (1) “struggling and cultivating stage”, facing and dealing with the challenges due to lack sufficient economic resources, cultivating the ability to be independent in the future, growing up from a family which is lack of emotional and spiritual resources. (2) “transforming and elevating stage”, adapting and improving their environment using their long-term cultivated inner resources, and receiving chances of improving their career due to having external resources which provide support and assistance; (3) “stability and maintaining stage”, the material, emotional and spiritual aspect of participants’ lives have significant improvement compare to their early family environment, receiving presents from their background, interpreting previous adversity with positive view, constructing stable view of happy career through their own life experiences and keeping on creating sense of happiness in their current life. 2. The resources they have in coping with challenges they met in process of perceiving happiness in their current career are as below: (1) personal inner resources, (a) owing talent in adaption and development; (b) abundant positive psychological resources which are cultivated in their stressful low socioeconomic environment, (2) external environment resources, (a) social interpersonal resources at right timing: being benefited from parents’ education and guidance, relatives’ generous economical assistance, significant others in good condition, growing up in a friendly community, gaining employers’ appreciation and trust; (b) diverse and multiple public welfare resources: being benefited from government’s welfare policy and resources, societal beneficiary organization’s resource, and multiple scholarships from schools and the society; (c)living in an autonomous and equal society. (3) inner and external resources are linked together and facilitate each other’s development. 3. The view of happy career of low socioeconomic background individuals were : (1) Influenced by one’s low socioeconomic background and life experiences, these individuals deeply identify with “ being contented with what they have leads to happiness”; (2) appreciating the dispel of early poor situation and owning a stable job which can provide life need;(3) focusing on the good life they have and not disturbed by negative emotions due to social comparison; (4) engaging in activities which they can fully involved in their leisure time; (5) striving for achieving personal goals can bring sense of happiness; (6) nurturing social relationships is main source of sense of happiness; (7) creating new way to interact with parents which are different from early experiences, treating parents well and maintaining harmony; (8) happiness is having a normal and steady life which is full of love. According to the results of this study, there were indeed lots of challenges for individuals who grew up in low socioeconomic environment, but it also provided opportunities to obtain abundant psychological resources and construct view of happy career through overcoming those challenges. If individuals could embrace positive attitude, strive to maintain stable emotional and material life, and keep on practicing their view of happy career could consistently feel happiness in their life. Finally, according to the research process and findings, the limitations of this study, suggestions and the researcher’s reflection were also discussed.


林杏足、陳佩鈺(2005):淨土僧侶自我觀之敘事研究。輔導與諮商學報,2 (27 ),1-32 頁。
