  • 學位論文


A Survey of the Suitability of the Recorder Teaching Material in the Arts and Humanities Textbooks─Taken Subjects of New Taipei City Junior High School Music Teachers

指導教授 : 吳舜文


本研究旨在探究國中音樂教師對教科書直笛教學內容適用性之看法,以新北市地區國中音樂教師為研究對象,並進一步了解不同背景變項之音樂教師對教科書直笛教材適用性看法之差異情形,以自編之「國民中學藝術與人文領域教科書直笛教學內容適用性調查問卷」為研究工具進行調查,問卷回收後以次數分配、百分比、獨立樣本T檢定、單因子變異數等進行統計與分析,根據調查結果整理歸納成結論,並提出具體結論如下: 一、新北市國中音樂教師認為依據97課綱編寫的教科書直笛教學內容適用性尚稱 適用,其中以「直笛介紹」之適用性較高,「直笛基本練習」、「直笛吹奏曲 與補充曲」、「教師手冊」、「與其他教學項目連繫」及作為「教學內容主要 來源」等方面的適用性尚可。 二、不同「學校規模」之新北市國中音樂教師對教科書直笛教學內容適用性意見 具顯著性差異,性別、最高學歷、專業背景、教學年資、學校所在地、直笛 修業背景、教科書版本則無顯著的差異。 研究者依上述之結論提出以下建議: 一、對教科書編輯者之建議:直笛基本練習方面應完整包含運指、運氣、運舌三種 類型的練習曲,直笛吹奏曲與補充曲方面,樂曲難度應符合學生程度,並可選 編適用的補充教材。 二、對音樂教師之建議:主動向教科書廠商反映個人意見,以便與個人教學更加切 合,使教科書更符合現場需求。建立校內教師溝通與協商管道,提出每位教師 的看法及了解教 教科書能確實成為教師教學適用性高的教材。


Aiming to explore the views of music teachers on the suitability of the recorder teaching material in textbooks in junior high school the study takes the music teachers of junior schools in New Taipei. The study subjects and further taps into the various views of music teachers with different background variables.. By means of the self-created suitability Questionnaire of Recorder Teaching Material in Junior High School Art & Humanity Textbooks, the study conducts statistical analysis and concludes the findings based on the frequency distribution, ratio, independent-sample t test and the one way ANOVA, etc. in the obtained questionnaires. Finally, the specific suggestions are given as reference. The findings are as follows. I. According to the opinions of music teachers in junior high schools in New Taipei, the recorder teaching material in the textbooks based on the Syllabus 97 is adaptable, in which the Recorder Introduction has the highest suitability, followed by the Recorder Basic Practice, Recorder Playing Songs & Supplements, Teacher’s Manual, Correlation with Other Teaching Projects and the Primary Source of the Textbook. II. The music teachers from different School Scales in New Taipei show significantly different opinions on the suitability of the recorder teaching material in the textbooks, while other variables about the background don’t show any significant difference. Suggestions are given based on the findings above. I. For the textbook editors: The basic practice of recorder should completely contain the etudes of fingering, breathing, tonguing, playing songs and the proper supplements for the different levels of students. The adaptable supplementary textbooks are also considerable. II. For the music teachers: Personal opinions should be given to the textbook press actively in order to fit the textbook with the personal teaching and the respective teaching requirements better. Communicating and discussing the proper channels on campus should be established to facilitate each teacher to propose their views and understand the features of the textbook, in order to grant the textbook higher suitability.


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