  • 學位論文


The Effect of chance events on The Career Decision Making of Nomadic Teacher:A Narrative Research

指導教授 : 金樹人


中文摘要 本研究旨從流浪教師生涯決定故事的敘說中理解偶發事件對其生涯決定的影響。研究參與者為一位代課十三年的流浪教師,共進行近20小時的訪談,採取敘事研究的方法論與「整體-內容」的資料分析方法,從偶發事件的內涵、偶發事件對研究參與者的個人意義及研究參與者所知覺偶發事件的社會文化脈絡等三個向度探究對研究參與者生涯決定的影響。經由文本分析的結果,呈現以下的研究發現: 一、偶發事件的內涵及其對生涯決定的影響 (一) 偶發事件的內涵 1.偶發事件的性質: (1)偶發事件可分為不可抗拒性與個人可選擇性,非全然的意外與不可預測 (2)主要偶發事件的背後,存有潛在的相關偶發事件 (3)個人對偶發事件的評價隨著時空的變化而有改變 (4)偶發事件乃機會的開啟,個人的選擇與因應影響其後續的發展 (5)個人遭逢的偶發事件因著所處的背景環境而有其範圍,非完全的隨機與不 可測 (6)眾多偶發事件背後有著共同的主題,對個人有獨特的意義 2.偶發事件的類型: (1)適當時機他人提供訊息(2)挫折與失落的經驗(3)呼應個人的關係需求 (4)機會的嘗試與把握(5)個人信念的衝擊與調整(6)楷模對象的學習(7)家庭的影響(8)心靈的渴求與寄託 (二)偶發事件對生涯決定的影響 1.生涯決定的階段是計畫與變化交錯,一亂一序中前進 2.主要的偶發事件與潛在相關的偶發事件,會交替現身,影響個人生涯決定 3.早期生命經驗的重大偶發事件對個人生涯有深遠的影響 4.偶發事件呼應個人的未竟事務,對生涯決定有潛在的影響 5.從偶發事件的因應中,擴展自我概念,提升教師生涯的自我效能 6.生涯決定是偶發事件與個人內在、外在資源交互影響的結果 二、偶發事件對研究參與者的個人意義及其對生涯決定的影響 (一)偶發事件對研究參與者的個人意義 1.透過敘說,在生涯脈絡的呈現中回首觀看,產生新的視框,獲得不同的意義與理解 2.偶發事件是促使個人前進的動力 3.能度過偶發事件所帶來的種種困境,肯定個人生命的韌性,提升自信心 4.認同的宗教信仰,提升觀點的層次,對受苦的經歷賦予正向的意義 5.因緣際會所聚集的人際資源,支持其教職生涯的前進 (二)從意義的理解中,決定其未來生涯的觀點與方向 1.從過往的生涯經驗,產生新的洞察和正向的意義,找到未來生涯的力量和立足點 2.教職能展現其生命意義,因而能無懼未來生涯所面臨的不確定性 3.放下重大偶發事件對自身的影響與牽絆,對未來的人生展現自主性 4.明確的教育信念與工作價值的堅持,成就對未來生涯的信心 三、研究參與者所知覺偶發事件的社會文化脈絡意義及其對個人生涯決定的影響 (一)職業的穩定、聲望地位以及對教師角色的認同,潛在影響個人對教職的選擇 (二)教師專業能力的挑戰反映社會多元、開放、講求人權的需求,需與時俱進的學習,因應變化 (三)體認正式教職缺額受少子化與師資培育政策影響而減少的事實,轉而發展自我調適之道 (四)面對社會重視學歷、強調升學率的價值觀,以堅定的教育理念與熱誠,平衡理想與現實的衝突 (五)期以個人的教育專業與實力,爭取正式教職,並破除大眾對代課教師的質疑 最後根據研究結果進行綜合性討論,並提出本研究的限制及建議,以作為未來研究、生涯諮商實務之參考。 關鍵詞:流浪教師、偶發事件、生涯決定、生涯不確定


The Effect of chance events on The Career Decision Making of Nomadic Teacher :A Narrative Research YA-LAN YANG Abstract The purpose of this study is to understand the effect of chance on the career decision making of nomadic teacher. This study invite one female who works in education area for thirteen years. Several findings according to the data analysis are as follows: 1. The contents of chance events and its impact for the career decision making (1)The nature of chance events: a. The chance events are divided into two parts: the irresistible and the personal alternatives, not all being accidental and unexpected. b. The major chance events are hidden the potential related chance events. c. The personal judge on the chance events are changed by the transfer of time and space. d. The chance events are the opening of chance. The following development will be influenced by personal alternatives and its feedback. e. The range of personal chance events limit by where he or she was, not all being random and unexpected. f. A lot of chance events have the common topic and the unique meaning for personal. (2)The types of chance events: a. The right message from the right person at the proper time b. The experience of the frustration and the lost c.Reflect the demand of personal relationship d.The trial and the seize of chance e.The impact and the adjustment of individual faith f.Learn from the decent person g.The influence of family h.The desire and trust of the soul. (3)The impact of the chance events on the career decision making a. The phases of the career decision making are mixed in plan and change with the movement of order and disorder. b. The major and the potential chance events will be happened in random and influence the career decision making. c. The major chance events experiencing the life in the early stage have the deeply influence for personal future. d. The chance events reflect the personal unfinished task and have the potential influence of the career decision making. e. Expand self-concept and upgrade the self-efficiency of the teaching career by dealing with the chance events f. The career decision making is the outcome of the interactions between the chance events and personal internal and external resources. 2. The personal meaning of the research participants from the chance events and the impact on the personal career decision making (1)The personal meaning of the research participants from the chance events: a. To narrate and look back in life can generate the new view and feel the different meaning and understanding. b. The chance events push the individual move forward. c. To weather the difficulty caused by the chance events can recognize the personaltoughness and strengthen the confidence. d. Accept the religions and promote the level of view as well as endow the suffering experience with the positive meaning. e. To aggregate the human resources by chance can support the forward of teaching career. (2)The view and direction of the future career based on the understating of the meanings: a. The past life experience can generate the new insight and the positive meaning as well as getting the power and the standing for the future life. b. The teaching career can reveal its life meaning and face fearlessly the uncertainly in the future life. c. Release the negative influence from the major chance events and reveal the optimism for the future life. d. The confidence of the future career is based on the clear education faith and the insistence of work value. 3. The research participants awareness toward the chance events and its effects on their career decision making. (1)Occupational stability, prestige and role identity influenced the nomadic teachers’ career choice. (2)Nomadic teachers should make an effort to improve their professional abilities with the aim to in line with the changing trend of multiple societies as well as to answer the request for human rights. (3)Nomadic teachers realize the fact that the decreasing teaching position vacancies are the result of low birth rates and open teacher education policies. Understood the difficulties in serving as a full time school teacher, nomadic teachers should learn how to soothe themselves. (4)Nomadic teachers in a society where the emphasis are placed on educational background and should learn how to balance the contradictory between ideals (dreams) and realities with determined belief and persistent enthusiasm for education. (5)To clear the public’s doubts about substitute teachers, nomadic teachers are expected to search a job as a full time school teacher with professional expertise (in a particular field). In the end, the limitations and suggestions derived from (the results of) this study can be a reference for career counseling practice and future research.


nomadic chance events career uncertainty


Gleick, J. Chaos: Making a New Science. 林和譯。混沌:不測風雲的背後。台北:天下文化。


