  • 學位論文


A Study of Advertising Repetition Strategy:Effects of Interactions Between Repetition, Variation, and Time Lag

指導教授 : 戚栩僊


本研究探討重複策略中不同手法之運用,對廣告記憶與態度的影響。除討論重複次數多寡安排之影響外,並將變異性及時間間隔手法一併納入討論。不同於先前研究多半探討重複手法個別之主效果,本研究著重於重複手法之間的交互效果討論。 根據文獻探討,我們得知重複次數對記憶有正向助益,態度則會隨重複次數增加呈現倒U型關係。變異性對記憶與態度皆有正向助益,時間間隔對於記憶有正向助益,對態度則無任何影響。由以上,本研究預期三種重複手法對記憶共有四種交互效果存在,分別為:變異性與重複次數之間、變異性與時間間隔之間、重複次數與時間間隔之間,及變異性、重複次數與時間間隔之間的交互作用。對態度而言,則預期存在變異性與重複次數之間的交互效果。 本研究採取三因子組間設計,此三因子分別為重複次數、變異性及時間間隔,對應之應變數分別為整體記憶、廣告態度與品牌態度,又整體記憶以回想和辨識之加總進行衡量。 研究結果發現,除變異性與時間間隔對記憶之假說獲得部分支持外,大部分假說皆未獲得支持。研究並發現共變量對研究結果有不可忽視之影響,訊息處理難易度及產品涉入度對記憶及態度層面都有顯著影響。其中訊息處理難度愈高時,記憶及態度分別呈現愈差;產品涉入度愈高時,記憶及態度則呈現愈佳。本研究的學術及實務貢獻為對重複手法間之交互作用進行完整檢視討論,並對電視媒體廣告之播放規劃提出安排建議。


This study discussed the advertising effects among different repetition executions on memory and attitudes. Not only discussed the impact of repetition but also took variation and time lag into consideration. Unlike past studies considering main effects only, this study further concentrated on the interactions between them. According to the literature review, we concluded that repetition has positive influence on memory and inverted-U relationships with attitudes. Variation has both positive effects on memory and attitudes. Time lag has positive effects on memory but not on attitudes. Above all, we expected four interactions on memory among three executions. They are between repetition and variation, repetition and time lag, variation and time lag, and all of them. For attitudes, we expected there is an interaction between repetition and variation. The study adopts three factors between-subjects design, including the executions of repetition, variation, and time lag. Through the manipulation of the experiment, we can understand how these factors influence consumers’ memory, attitude toward the Ad (Ad), and attitude toward the brand (Abr). Besides, memory part is measured by the sum of recall and recognition. Our findings are that except the hypothesis for the interactions between variation and time lag on memory, most hypotheses are not supported. We also find that covariates have significant impact in the result. Ease of processing and product involvement both have influences on memory and attitudes. The more difficult the processing, the inferior the memory and attitudes are. In the opposite, the more product involving, the better the memory and attitudes are. The contributions in the academic and practical fields are the fully discussion of the interactions between repetition executions and the suggestions for the media planning strategy.


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