  • 學位論文


Performance Evaluationof the Dongyanshan Nature Education Center, Forestry Bureau in Taiwan: A Balanced Scorecard Perspective

指導教授 : 張四明教授


近年因地球暖化,氣候變遷造成全球面臨溫室、熱島效應、海平面上升、乾旱、暴雨、生態危機等挑戰,環境的永續發展成為世界關注的焦點。如何透過有效多元的學習,協助人類達成生活永續的目標,遂成為世界永續發展與環境教育界的重要課題。以自然教育來達成環境永續發展的手段,是當前的趨勢。林務局身為最大自然資源管理及保育業務的中央主管機關,推動環境教育政策更顯必要。其中東眼山自然教育中心,正是林務局自然教育中心系統中,極具代表的自然教育場域,惟其整體營運績效如何?引發本研究動機。 本研究針對東眼山自然教育中心,以平衡計分卡(Balanced Scorecard, BSC)的績效評估為理論基礎,就修正平衡計分卡後的營運管理、內部流程再造、員工學習成長及顧客滿意度等四個構面,來評估東眼山自然教育中心整體績效。另經由本次研究發現之各評估指標,包括量化與質性的調查方法,收集定量與定性的指標,就自然教育中心的績效評估機制做出建議,提供今後林務局建立自然教育中心評估機制之參考。 研究發現:一、東眼山自然教育中心的整體績效,表現良好,符合期待。二、其中心目標大致已達成,並與林務局組織願景、目標,均能相互契合。三、在林務局自然教育中心系統的地位上,現階段仍屬標竿對象。四、林務局推動自然教育中心政策,對於機關內部與外部,均有正面的影響。此外,研究亦發現,在東眼山自然教育中心執行過程中,仍待透過政策執行策略的手段,解決問題。最後,本研究以政策面與執行面,分別就林務局與東眼山自然教育中心提出建議。


Environmentally sustainable development has become an important issue worldwide due to global warming, the greenhouse effect, the urban heat island effect, sea level rises, drought, rainstorms, and the ecological crisis caused by climate change. How to help mankind achieve the goal of living sustainably through effective multi-learning is an important issue in the field of world sustainable development and environmental education. To achieve environmentally sustainable development via natural education is the world trend. It is necessary for the Forestry Bureau in Taiwan, as the largest central competent authority of natural resources and conservation, to promote environmental policy. This research attempts to understand the overall performance of the Dongyanshan Nature Education Center as a typical natural education area of nature education centers under the Forestry Bureau. Using modified Balanced Scorecard (BSC) theory, this study evaluates the overall performance of the Dongyanshan Nature Education Center via four aspects of BSC including business management, internal process re-engineering, staff learning and growth, and customer satisfaction. The evaluation indicators include both quantitative and qualitative data discovered by this research as the reference of performance evaluation mechanism for other Nature Education Centers under the Forestry Bureau. The results have showed the followings: 1. overall performance of the Dongyanshan Nature Education Center was considered satisfactory and met expectations; 2. the central goal of Dongyanshan Nature Education Center has been reached and has matched the organization vision and goal of the Forestry Bureau; 3. Among the natural education center system of Forestry Bureau, the Dongyanshan Nature Education Center still holds a benchmark at this stage; 4.the natural education policy being promoted by the Forestry Bureau has been a positive influence on the inner and outer portions of organization. However, there still have some problems that need to be solved by executing strategies thru policies during executive processes at the Dongyanshan Nature Education Center. Finally, this research puts forward suggestions to the Dongyanshan Nature Education Center in policy and enforcement levels.


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