  • 學位論文


A Study of Legal Issues of the Special Committees in Mergers and Acquisitions Cases

指導教授 : 劉連煜


為確保企業併購過程之合理性與公平性,以保障公司小股東之權益,2013年11月21日我國行政院版之企業併購法修正草案爰擬引進美國判例法上之特別委員會(special committee)制度,且類似制度在香港及日本之企業併購實務上亦有採用。此制度之引進,不僅對於股東權益保障之落實有所助益,同時也將減輕企業併購中公司經營者之責任。抑有進者,美國法上,企業併購中特別委員會之設置多會連帶影響董事責任於司法審查之標準,因此,特別委員會制度之組成條件及其適用效果等實有進一步研究之必要。   本文借鏡併購交易中設置特別委員會制度已行之有年之美國經驗,就美國德拉瓦州法院作成之相關判決加以介紹、分析並從中吸取經驗,同時檢視我國現行公司經營制度與美國公司經營制度之差異,例如:於我國公司二元制下將呈現監察人與特別委員會並存之情形,思考並提出適合我國法制之建議,以作為我國未來企業併購實務上適用特別委員會制度之參考。   首先,於本文第二章介紹企業併購中公司董事之受任人義務內涵以及董事責任之司法審查標準,藉此比較企業併購中設置特別委員會所生之影響。第三章進入本文研究之核心—「特別委員會制度」之介紹,包括本制度之目的功能、組成方式、組成時點、委員會之權利義務,以及比較法上美國、香港及日本關於特別委員會制度之相關立法例或其制度之發展。接著於第四章歸納並整理特別委員會之適用於美國司法審查標準上產生之變化及其效果,進一步探討我國未來採用特別委員會制度時,於司法審查上可能產生之影響,提出並分析可能會面臨之法律問題。最後,於第五章提出本文整體之研究心得,並針對全文作綜合性之結論。


To ensure the reasonableness and equity of the process of mergers and acquisitions for protecting the interests of minority shareholders of the company, R.O.C Executive Yuan proposed the draft amendment to the Business Mergers And Acquisitions Act on November 21, 2013. The draft amendment is intended to introduce the Special Committees in Mergers and Acquisitions on the U.S. case law that is a similar system also adopted in Hong Kong’s and Japan’s mergers and acquisitions practice. The introduction of this system not only facilitates the protection of shareholders' equity, but also reduces the directors' responsibility in mergers and acquisitions. Furthermore, the formation of the special committees in mergers and acquisitions in American law is usually affect the standards of judicial opinion of the directors’ obligations. Therefore, further research is needed to study the composition of the Special Committees and the effects of application.   This article consults the American experience, introduces and analyzes the relevant judgments of the Delaware Court. Meanwhile, this article views the differences between our current system of companies operating and the companies operating of the U.S., First, the chapter 2 of this article gives an introduction of directors’ fiduciary duties in mergers and acquisitions, the standard of judicial review of the directors’ obligations, and, further, compares the effects that the formation of the Special Committees in mergers and acquisitions. Second, the chapter 3 introduceses “the special committees”, including the purpose, function, the methods of composition, the timing of composition, the rights and obligations of the Committee, and the comparative law research on relevant legislation of the Special Committees or the development of this system in the United States, Hong Kong and Japan. Furthermore, the chapter 4 generalizes and organizes the changes and the effects on the standards arising from application of the Special Committees of judicial opinion in the U.S., and also proposes and analyzes the legal issues that may be faced after the adoption of the Special Committee system in Taiwan. Finally, the chapter 5 proposes the comprehensive conclusions for this article.


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