  • 學位論文


The relation between industrial CO2 emissions and trade –the embodied carbon analysis

指導教授 : 張四立


過去在計算能源密集度及二氧化碳密集度時,通常是探討直接能源投入及CO2排放,而較少討論到間接能源投入及排放量,另一方面,對於國家減量責任,亦大多以生產基礎排放量的角度計算,因此在本研究中,運用量值混合投入產出法,首先針對單位產值直接排放與直接加間接的排放,建構出一套完整的計算流程,將指標運用在產業分析與國際貿易的議題,並釐清我國的生產基礎與消費基礎排放量之差異。   實證結果如下:一、26部門直接能源密集度、具含能源密集度、直接二氧化碳密集度及具含碳密集度,在1986年至2004年間,以1996年做為分段點的分析結果顯示,第一期為指標主要呈現下降趨勢的階段,而在第二期大都呈現指標上升的趨勢;二、六大非能源產業中,傳統工業、基礎工業在研究年度間明顯是朝低附加價值率、高CO2排放的趨勢發展;三、代表性高耗能產業的產業中,紡織、石化業中下游呈現劣化的發展趨勢,水泥業雖存在技術進步但附加價值率逐年降低,且在第二期有朝不佳的趨勢發展;四、我國進口品與出口品的二氧化碳密集度大致相同,但進出口排放量高於進口排放量,且差距逐年拉大,以消費基礎所計算出的排放量在各研究年度皆低於生產基礎排放量。


The calculation of industrial energy intensity and CO2 intensity usually stand for direct energy use and CO2 emissions per unit of output. It rarely discusses indirect energy use and emissions. On the other hand, the responsibility to global CO2 emissions in Taiwan usually use production based calculation. The purpose of the study is to use hybrid-input-output analysis to calculate direct and indirect emissions per unit of output, and apply to industry, the issue of trade, and to clarify the production and consumption based measurement of the difference in CO2 emissions.   The analysis results as follows: 1. During 1986 to 2004, direct energy intensity, embodied energy intensity, direct CO2 intensity and embodied CO2 intensity in 26 industries declined in the first stage and arose in the second stage. 2. In six non-energy industries, traditional industries and basic industries clearly trended to low rates of added value and high CO2 emissions. 3. Within high energy intensity industries, textiles, midstream, and downstream petrochemical industries trended to deteriorate. 4. Exports CO2 intensity and imports CO2 intensity in Taiwan were roughly the same, but the emissions embodied in exports were higher than imports, and the gap has widened more and more. The consumption based computation CO2 emissions was lower than production based computation.


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