  • 學位論文


Learning Effect Analysis of Innovative Teaching Materials for Energy on Fifth Grade Students of Elementary School in remote areas–Taking Remote Mountain Areas of Taichung City for Example

指導教授 : 王順成 白子易


温室氣體排放引起的全球氣候變化、能源消耗量升高且利用率低、再生能源佔有率低,早已引起世界各國的關注。面對傳統能源的資源約束和經濟發展壓力,各國紛紛制定能源政策,以改善全球氣溫的上升及能源匱乏的窘境。在國小推動能源教育更是有效的方法,透過教育更能快而有效落實到每個家庭及日常生活中,所以研究者針對文獻回顧在市區智類國小五年級學童採用國科會開發之能源創新教材進行教學,在能源知識的學習有明顯提升,因而將對能源創新教材對山線偏遠地區學童的能源知識之學習成效影響作探討。 本研究係以國科會開發的「能源教育創新教法、教材、教具之研發及其效益評估研究- 子計畫2:國小能源教育教材研發及其效用評估」計畫所開發之教材及評量工具」探討臺中市山線偏遠地區的國小五年級學童在再生能源、非再生能源與節能減碳向度的學習成效。首先實施學習成效問卷前測,再進行能源創新教材教學,最後學習成效問卷後測施測,再以Statistical Product and Service Solutions(SPSS) 18.0版統計軟體針對偏遠地區學童前測答對率及前後測成對t檢定、市區與偏遠地區學童前後測向度施測答對率及前後測成對樣本t檢定進行,研究結果顯示如下: 一、在山線偏遠地區學童的前測答對率,「再生能源」向度先備知識是充足可達0.74、「非再生能源」向度的先備知識只達0.57有不足之處,顯示現行課程中仍有改善空間;後測答對率在三向度及十二面向均有清楚提升,部分面向可達0.9以上的答對率,顯示在實施「能源創新教材」教學後,對學童的能源知識之學習成效提升很有助益。 二、由山線偏遠地區學童在能源創新教材教學後,學習成效均大有提昇,學童的前後測成對t檢定、識總分成對t檢定達到相當顯著差異;偏遠地區學童前後測各向度成對t檢定顯著性雙尾值均為0.000<0.05,表示透過創新教材教學後,前測與後測的得分具有顯著差異,換句話說,能源創新教材對山線偏遠地區國小五年級學童的學習成效具有明顯提升的成效。 三、於市區學校與山線偏遠地區學校前後測向度施測答對率比較,顯示能源創新教材對提升學習成效相當有效;在前後測12面向答對率提升程度均在0.1以上,顯示實施能源創新教材的教學對提升國小五年級的能源知識學習成效上具有相當成效。 四、看市區與偏遠地區學校前後測成對樣本t檢定,在市區學童的知識總分向度的前後測t檢定達到顯著差異,偏遠地區達到明顯差異;市區學校的12面向成對樣本t檢定均達到顯著差異,後測的平均數明顯提高,且無論哪一個面向顯著性雙尾值均為0.000<0.05,山線偏遠地區學校的學童在各面向達到明顯差異;綜合上述結果,顯示能源創新教材對提升學童的能源知識學習成效確實相當有效。 本研究依據研究結果作具體建議,以提供教育相關單位實施和推動相關能源教材、研究改進之參考。 關鍵字︰能源創新教材,偏遠地區,學習成效。


Problems such as global climate change caused by greenhouse gas emissions, increasing energy consumption but low utilization, and the low share of renewable energy sources, have aroused concerns around the world. Facing the problems about traditional energy resource constraints along with economic development pressures, countries have to develop energy policies to improve global warming and energy scarcity situations. To implement energy education in elementary schools is an effective approach to resolve these problems for small countries. It will be more rapid and effective to apply correct concept to the daily life of every family through education. There is a conclusion from prvious studies that the implementation of a noval teaching material, which is developed by the National Science Council, has apparently improved the fifth graders’ learning on energy knowledge in large schools of urban district. Therefore, the researcher decided to study the effectiveness of the same noval material on remote moutain area students. The analysis tools and teaching materials on this study are from a NSC reasearch project –" The materials and assessment tools of energy education materials developed for primary school to assess the effectiveness of the plan developed". The survey is focused on the effectiveness of learning in dimensions of "renewable energy", "non-renewable energy", and "energy-saving and carbon-emission reduction" on fifth graders from elementary schools of remote mountain areas of Taichung City. A pretest of learning effectiveness has been performed before the first teaching implementation of the innovative energy education materials, and then followed by a posttest. The data are analized and compared among various dimensions, by Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) version 18.0. The data analysis and comparisons are based on 4 dimensions¨"pretest correct rate of remote mountain area students", "Paired t-test of pre-tests vs pro-tests correct rates", "Comparsion of pre-tests vs post-tests between urban area and remote mountain area students", "paired t-test of pre-test vs post-test between urban and remote area students”. The outcomes, include descriptive statistics and inferrential statistics analysis, are to provide a reference for future assessment of the effectiveness of innovative energy textbook study. The findings are as follows: 1、Conclude from remote area students correct rates, the students have sufficient pre-knowledge of "renewable energy", but insufficient pre-knowledge of "non-renewable energy"¸ which indicates there some space for improvement of the current teaching materials. The correct rate of post-test in three dimensions and 12 faces, it indicates that the "innovative teaching materials" have improved the energy knowledge learning effect. 2、From the paired t-test determination, "total knowledge" shows significant differences between pre-test and post-test of remote mountain area students, indicate the prominent promotion of learning effect; From the result of "paired t-test on various dimensions" also shows prominent pormotion of learning effect; from the result of "paired t-test on 12 faces", 11 faces show significancy less than 0.05, which indicate innovative teaching material has cause significant differences between pre-test and post-test, in other words, the innovative has improved the learning efficiency of remote mountain area students. 3、From the comparison of correct rate between pre-test and post-test of both urban and remote mountain area school students, it indicates the innovative teaching materials has caused an efficient elevation of learning effect in energy knowledge . 4、From the result of paired t-test between pre-test and post-test of urban and remote area schools, the "total knowledge dimension" shows apparent significant difference in urban schools, yet significant difference in remote area schools; in the paired t-test of 12 dimensions, urban school shows apparent significant differences, remote area schools shows significant differences. Sum up the above results, the innovative teaching materials has prominent effect on students’ learning effect. The concrete suggestions will be brought about according to this study, in order to provide the referrence for further study and energy teaching material implement. Keyword:innovative energy instructional materials, remote area, learning effectiveness


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