  • 學位論文


Research on Consideration Factors for Mobile Phone Purchase: The Case of the Elderly

指導教授 : 楊承亮 博士


本研究主要是50歲以上的中高齡族群為研究對象,探討他們使用行動電話的需求。經由訪談之中,得知中高齡者在使用行動電話時,所遭遇到之困難。同時針對行動電話的基本功能及特殊功能的需求方面進行研究,讓中高齡在使用行動電話時,能夠更加方便,減少使用上的困難度。此外本研究參考國內外對中高齡者使用行動電話的相關文獻,分析行動電話的使用上有哪些問題,作為設計問卷的依據。本研究使用獨立性卡方檢定,分析兩個不同年齡層及性別在行動電話的使用層面上是否有顯著性差異,及獨立樣本t檢定,分析兩個不同年齡層及性別在使用行動電話的功能層面上是否有顯著性差異。 研究分析結果發現,中高齡者在選擇行動電話款式方面時,會以摺疊款式的行動電話作為首選,品牌形象方面鐘愛Nokia品牌的行動電話。中高齡者會比年輕族群更需要行動電話的安全性功能(緊急求救鍵、GPS衛星定位),同時螢幕畫面輸入數字尺寸及螢幕畫面尺寸也有強烈的需求,電池的待機時間也是蠻重要。本研究同時發現購買行動電話時,價格是消費者購買決策的關鍵因素。尤其是零元的行動電話,最受中高齡者歡迎。男性與女性在行動電話的需求方面,並無明顯的不同。


This research targets audiences over age of 50 and their needs and demands for mobile phone. Through interviews, the difficulties these people encounter when using mobile phones became known. In order to assist the elderly, this research also focuses on the basic and special functions for a more convenient and easy to use approach. By referring to related literature in Taiwan and abroad, this research analyzes these problems in our research questionnaires. This research uses chi-square test of independence to find out whether there are significant differences among two different age groups and sexes in terms of their mobile phone behaviors; this research also adopts independent sample t-test to analyze whether there are significant differences among the two groups in terms of functionality of the mobile phones. This research finds out that the elderly prefers foldable mobile phones and the brand “Nokia” as their favorite. Compared to the younger generation, the elderly shows a greater need in terms of the safety features (emergency call out and GPS). They also think highly of the size of number keys and the screen as well as battery duration. In addition, this research finds that pricing plays a key role in their purchase behavior. The Zero-Dollar mobile phone is most popular among the elderly. There is, however, no significant difference in terms of the needs between male and female.


aging mobile phones the elderly functionality


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