  • 學位論文


A Study of the Correlation between the after-school activity and Well-being on Elementary School Students:in Tai-Chung City as an Example.

指導教授 : 李明榮


處在身心發展風暴期的國小階段,身心能否發展良好,對以後發展影響很大,因此擁有健全的心理狀態,才能擁有健全的人格發展。所以本研究以台中市五區 (沙鹿、梧棲、清水、龍井、大肚)國小高年級學童做為對象,來了解國小學童的課後活動及幸福感相關情形之研究,期望本研究結果可提供給相關單位做參考,也期望相關單位能對於國小學童做最完善的課後活動課程及環境。 本研究主要目的為:了解目前國小學童課後活動的實際情形;探討國小學童課後活動與幸福感的相關情形;綜合研究之結果提出建議,使國民小學可以針對目前國小學童提供更適當之環境。本研究總共發放800份問卷,回收並惕除無效問卷後剩餘791份,回收有效率達98.8%。所得資料以描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關等方法加以統計分析。 由研究結果可以得知,個人背景變項對於課後活動會有部份正向影響;課後活動參與會對幸福感產生部份正向影響;個人背景變項對於幸福感會有部份正向影響。


課後活動 幸福感 國小學童


Storm of physical and mental development in the elementary stage of development of good physical and mental ability, a great impact on future development, it has a sound state of mind, to have a sound personality development. Therefore, this study five areas in Taichung City (Shalu, Wuchi, water, Longjing, Tatu) fifth and sixth grade students as the object, to understand elementary school students after-school activities and well-being related to the case study, this study expected Results provide a reference to the relevant units, the unit also expected to do elementary school students for after-school activities, the most comprehensive courses and the environment. The main purpose of this study were: to understand the current elementary school students after-school activities, the actual situation; of elementary school students after-school activities and well-being of the relevant circumstances; comprehensive results of the study recommendations, so that for the current elementary school children to provide more Appropriate environment. In this study, a total of 800 questionnaires were issued, and deemed necessary to recover the remaining 791 valid questionnaires were returned effective rate was 98.8%. The data descriptive statistics, single factor analysis of variance, Pearson product moment correlation to statistical analysis. The result of research that, personal background variables will have some positive effect on after-school activities; after-school activity participation will have some positive effect on happiness; personal background is for the happiness will be part of the To the effect.


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