  • 期刊


The Effect of Story Dramatization on Story Comprehension,Story Recall and Learning Motivation of the Second-Grade Students



本實驗研究旨在探討戲劇教學對國小二年級兒童故事理解、回憶與學習動機的影響。研究以台東市某國小二年級兒童爲對象,隨機分派爲兩組,一爲實驗組接受戲劇教學,一爲控制組接受講述教學。各組進行每週一次,每次八十分鐘,爲期八週的教學活動。 研究結果發現在統計考驗部分,戲劇教學對增進兒童的故事內容理解、推論與判斷理解的整體效果,並無顯著的影響。然針對描述性統計資料的分析發現,戲劇教學對兒童故事理解仍具有正向的影響,其效果大多顯現在推論與判斷理解上,且其對低語文成就兒童的故事理解較有助益。在故事回憶部分,戲劇教學對增進兒童故事回憶能力有顯著的效果。扮演組兒童在回憶故事上的表現,能回憶較多且較完整的故事內容。在學習動機部分,扮演組兒童在故事課上產生對閱讀較高的期望,及較高的閱讀價值感與興趣。 文末,研究者針對本研究的結果進一步加以分析,並提出對後續研究的建議以供作參考。


This study examined the effect of story dramatization on story comprehension, story recall, and learning motivation of the second-grade students. In control of children's ethnic background, achievement scores and gender, the forty-one children were randomly assigned to two groups: the story dramatization group and the discussion group. Both groups participated eight sessions (once a week) consisting of 15-minute story listening, 25-minute discussion on aspects of story, and followed by 40-minute role-playing for dramatization group and drawing for the discussion group. Eight story comprehension tests, designed to measure children's comprehension of each story content and inference/judgement of plots, were administered after each session. Story recall data, including main ideas and structural components, were collected from individual child's free recall of three stories. The motivation data were measured by a survey and an interview of feedback at the end of the eight-week program. The t-test was used to compare the group differences in story comprehension and recall. The Mann-whitney test was used to analyze children's motivation data. The results indicated that, except one story, both groups did not differ in their overall story comprehension scores. Neither did their inferential and judgmental comprehension scores. Although dramatizing story did not enhance children's story comprehension, the process considered helpful to lower achievement children. On the other hand, the data showed significant group differences in children's free story recall and learning motivation. Children in the dramatization group could recall more main ideas and structural components than the discussion group. They also felt more challenged and showed more interests and wills to learn. The researcher provided some directions for future studies and suggestions for classroom practice.


