  • 期刊


Effects of Short-Term Respiratory Muscle Training on Body Composition and Exercise Performance in Triathletes


緒論:呼吸肌在人體獲取氧氣扮演著相當重要的角色,而呼吸肌如同骨骼肌一樣,可經由訓練來增強肌肉的強韌度,以減緩疲勞的產生。鐵人三項為高強度競技運動,身體對氧氣的需求極高,運動過程心跳及呼吸加快,進而對呼吸肌群的依賴,因此本研究目的在探討呼吸肌訓練對鐵人三項選手身體組成與運動表現(游泳1,500公尺、跑步10,000公尺)之影響。方法:11位鐵人三項選手,以身高、體重及最大攝氧量(maximal oxygen consumption, VO_(2max))之數值進行配對分為呼吸訓練組(173.83 ± 7.41公分、65.83 ± 8.24公斤、51.50 ± 7.89 ml/kg/min, n = 6)及控制組(170.20 ± 11.10公分、63.26 ± 10.29公斤、48.20 ± 4.15 ml/kg/min, n = 5),訓練組使用呼吸訓練器進行4週呼吸肌訓練,兩組在訓練前後均接受身體組成、最大攝氧量、專項運動表現檢測、最大呼吸肌肌力等測量。結果:4週呼吸肌訓練對鐵人三項選手身體組成中,增加大腿肌肉百分比(+ 2.19% vs. + 0.88%, p < .05),以及降低臀部脂肪百分比皆優於控制組(- 7.17% vs. -4.83%, p < .05),最大攝氧量表現部分,呼吸肌訓練組顯著優於控制組(4.42% vs. 1.57%, p < .05),而在專項運動表現及呼吸肌肌力,兩組之間無顯著差異。結論:4週呼吸肌訓練可有效改善鐵人三項選手身體組成,進而提升最大攝氧量的能力。


Introduction: The respiratory muscles was important role to get oxygen, and respiratory muscle similar skeletal muscle, the body can be training to enhance the strength of the muscles, therefore to induce the muscle fatigue. Triathlon is a high-intensity competition, body needs high level of oxygen in the race. When exercising, heart rate and breathing frequency are faster therefore oxygen uptake depends on the strength of respiratory muscles. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of respiratory muscle training on the physical composition of the triathletes and the performance of the triathlon (swimming 1,500 meters, running 10,000 meters). Methods: A total of 11 triathletes were recruited. Matched pair grouping method was adopted to divide the triathletes by their height, body weight and maximal oxygen consumption (VO_(2max)) into the breathing training (173.83 ± 7.41 cm、65.83 ± 8.24 kg、51.50 ± 7.89 ml/kg/min, n = 6) and control group (170.20 ± 11.10 cm、63.26 ± 10.29 kg、48.20 ± 4.15 ml/kg/min, n = 5). 4-week intervention, in which the triathletes using a breathing trainer to training the respiratory muscle. The triathlete's body composition, VO_(2max), performance of the triathlon, and maximal respiratory muscle pressure were measured before and after the intervention. Results: After the intervention, the changes in thigh muscle ratio and buttocks fat ratio of the breathing training group were more favorable than those of the control group (+ 2.19%, + 0.88% vs. - 7.17%, - 4.83%, p < .05), the VO_(2max) was significantly enhanced than control groups (4.42% vs. 1.57%, p < .05), in the performance of triathlon and respiratory muscle there was no difference between the two groups (p > .05). Conclusion: Four week respiratory muscle training could effectively improves the body composition and further enhances the aerobic capability in these young triathletes.


吳政諺(2015)。呼吸肌訓練對身體核心穩定度的影響。臺北市立大學=University of Taipei。


