  • 學位論文


Aboriginal Defendant's Difficulties and Solutions in Criminal Proceedings

指導教授 : 王皇玉


我國原住民族生存於臺灣這片土地上,至少有六千年之久,在其漫長的歷史脈絡中,有其獨特的傳統文化及習慣。然而,這些少數族群的傳統文化習慣,不僅難以與我國多數漢人群體所建置、詮釋的法律規範相互交融,更可能有所牴觸。據此,當「部族傳統」與「現代刑罰」產生衝突時,一場部落與國家相遇的司法長期抗戰,即揭開序幕。在這場戰役中,此等原住民被告於刑事程序存在許多不利的特質,舉凡其接受法律諮詢及扶助機構的缺乏、文化與語言的隔閡、審判法官之專業性不足以及有欠妥適的審判方式等,均導致原住民被告於此抗戰中節節敗退,身處於困境的地位。 因此,本文將探討自刑事偵查程序之開啟,至審判程序之終結,原住民被告所面臨的通譯問題、偵查及審判階段中接受律師協助的辯護權等相關問題,以及現行原住民專業法庭的實行成效,並嘗試提出困境的解決模式。除此之外,現今對於原住民被告來說最重要的問題之一,就是在刑事司法中,職司追訴與審判的檢察官及法官,是否真的具備「同理心」去面對每一個原住民被告。 本文認為,除了立法者應深刻地考量原住民被告的司法權益,作出相關修法或訂定除罪化條款,執法者亦必須從部落的觀點出發,輔以其法律專業,作出尊重與維持原住民被告傳統文化習俗的決定,如此方能落實《憲法增修條文》第10條第11項、第12項及《原住民族基本法》保障原住民文化的意旨,達到真正的還權於「民」。


Aborigines have been living on this island for over 6,000 years. In the context of their long history, Aborigines have their own unique traditions and customs. However, these aboriginal traditions and cultures, are not only incompatible with the legal norms, but also often cause serious conflicts. Accordingly, when the "Tribal Customs" collides with "Criminal Penalties", it also pulls the trigger of judicial war between tribes and state. In this battle, there are many adverse factors in the Aboriginal Defendants' criminal proceedings. For example, the lack of legal resources and professional judges, aborigines' cultural and linguistic barriers, and the improper conduct of trial mode, etc. These factors make Aboriginal Defendants retreat in the battle, and also make them trapped in quagmire. Therefore, this article will explore many problems faced by Aboriginal Defendants from the beginning of criminal investigation to the end of trial, such as Judicial Interpreter issues, Defense in Investigative Procedure, Mandatory Defense of Trial, and the implementation of Aboriginal Dedicated Court. And then attempt to put forward the corresponding solutions. Besides, one of the most important issues for Aboriginal Defendants, is whether judges or prosecutors have "empathy" to deal with every Aboriginal Defendant's case. This article believe, legislators should profoundly consider the judicial interests of Aboriginal Defendants, and make several relevant amendments or decriminalization clauses. Moreover, the civilian law enforcers' decisions should be made based on tribal perspectives, and supplemented by their legal profession. So as to implement the aim of Aboriginal Basic Law and Additional Articles of the Constitution to protect the multiculturalism, and to achieve the purpose of returning the rights to "Aborigine".


