  • 學位論文


Chinese Overseas or Oversea Chinese: The Multi-identity of Chinese Mainland Students in Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃光國




陸生 家鄉 國家 中國 臺灣 關係 認同


Mainland China students have been allowed to study in Taiwan since 2011. Most research in the past had only focused on the implementation of the Taiwan education policy and evaluation, while little attention was given to how these students adapt to the difference between Taiwan and Mainland. Considering the special history between Taiwan-Mainland from 1949, this study examines how migratory experience impacts the configuration and transformation of national identities. In particular, we explore how these students negotiate their ambiguous subject positions in discourses that are interwoven between ROC and PRC, Taiwan as imagined and reality, homeland and foreign country. There are three parts in our study: the first study uses the Chinese In-Group Trend Scale to survey students in Taiwan, Mainland Chinese students who came to Taiwan for higher education, and Chinese students. It was found that Mainland Chinese students have significantly reduced Chinese in-group trend compared with Chinese students who had no migratory experience. Based on the in–depth interview with Mainland Chinese and textual analysis of books written by these students, study two found that the students who are in the process of integration into Taiwan society had encountered two different types of emotional conflicts between “Chinese overseas” and “Oversea Chinese”. Using an experiment designed with three scenario contexts, “political China”, “economic China”, and “cultural China” contexts, study three found that Mainland Chinese students preferred using the instrumental strategy in equity rule on political and economic contexts, while they are more prone to use expressive strategy in need rule on cultural context. These results showed that although there are different identities (Chinese/Oversea Chinese/ Chinese overseas) in different perspectives, Mainland Chinese students prefer to be oversea Chinese regarding Taiwan as member of Chinese, rather than Chinese overseas.


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