  • 學位論文


The Relationship between Disadvantages of Living Environment and Life Chances, and the Role of Local Governance in Rural Area

指導教授 : 彭立沛


本研究的目的是捕捉台灣鄉村生活機會、生活環境不利性、以及地方治理在2005-2014年間長期變化的軌跡,並探討生活環境不利性對生活機會的影響,以及地方治理在兩者間所扮演的角色。本研究的資料主要來自於縣市統計年報、氣象觀測資料、土石流觀測與警戒資料、地層下陷監測資料、以及教育統計、交通路網資料與選舉研究等統計資料庫,資料蒐集時間橫跨2005-2014年,共涵括14個農業生產縣市轄下的261個鄉鎮市。本研究採用潛在成長曲線模型以及分段迴歸法進行分析。主要的研究發現可分為三個部分說明:首先、台灣鄉村鄉鎮市生活機會與地方治理的長期變化呈現兩段式的成長軌跡,兩者皆在2011年出現成長軌跡的轉折;而自然和人為環境不利性則分別呈現直線以及曲線式的成長軌跡。再者,本研究發現,自然環境不利性明顯不利於鄉村地方居民的生活機會,但是,在雨害、風害以及寒害三種災害中,只有雨害會對居民生活產生顯著的不利影響。相反的,在人為環境不利性的部分,土石流顯著有利於地方居民的生活機會,但是地層下陷則未展現出相應的效果。最後,分析結果顯示,鄉村地方治理能夠有效地緩解自然環境不利性對居民生活機會的不利影響,但是地方治理對人為環境不利性則並未產生相應的效果。 關鍵字:鄉村、生活機會、生活環境不利性、地方治理、潛在成長曲線模型


This study has three main purposes: the first is to capture the growth trajectories of life chances, disadvantages of living environment, and local governance in rural area of Taiwan during 2005-2014. The second purpose is to investigate the effect of the disadvantgaes of living environment on the residents’ life chances. And the third purpose is to clarify whether local governance plays a moderator role between life chances and disadvantages of living environment. In this research, the data we used is from county governments’ statistical yearbook, meteorology observation data, observation data of debris flow disaster and subsidence disaster, educational statistics, GIS map of traffic, archive of election outcome, etc. The sample consists of 261 townhsips from 14 counties over period 2005-2014. The results can be divided into three main parts: firstly, the growth tractories of life chances and local governance can be depicted as two-piecewise pattern, the turning points of both appear at 2011. However, natural and artificial disadvantages of living environment’s trajectories exhibit linear and curve line patterns separately. In the second part of result, we found that rain damage has significantly negative effect on residents’ life chances. Contrarily the debris flow disaster disaster influenceed life chances positively. Finally, we found that local governance played a “buffer-role” between natural disadvantages of living environment and life chances; however, the “buffer-role” of local governancece didn’t exist in the relationship between the artificial disadvantages of living environment and life chances. Keywords: rural, life chances, disadvantages of living environment, local governance, latent growth-curve model


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