  • 學位論文

運用Wii Remote建置電子白板之教學環境發展

Development of Interactive Whiteboard Environment With Wii Remote for Elementary Classrooms

指導教授 : 陳慶帆


2008資訊教育白皮書中提到E化專科教室,就是要藉由建置電子白板來推動資訊教育的E化教學。而實體式的電子白板價格昂貴,若要專科教室全部都完成建置在經費上是難以負擔的,更遑論要實現「班班有電子白板」的願景。 本研究旨在探討如何「運用Wii Remote建置電子白板之教學環境發展」,希望能有系統的呈現以Wii搖桿、搭配藍芽接收器及紅外線,整合原有教室內的資訊科技如電腦、單槍,配合自由軟體或免費軟體來建置虛擬式電子白板,以期能提供各校打造「班班有電子白板」的E化校園為目標。因此,本研究問題為:教師對於Wii Remote建置電子白板的滿意度為何?是否可行?以Wii Remote虛擬式電子白板的軟、硬體最適合的環境需求為何?哪些是規劃時的首要考量因素?使用過程教師所遇到的困難為何?如何解決?本研究採用文獻分析、問卷調查與訪談方式作為蒐集本研究的研究方法。透過目前和電子白板有關的相關文獻,分析與歸納電子白板的特性,而這些特性也將是Wii Remote虛擬式電子白板所應具備的功能指標;利用韓裔博士生所開發的程式,以Wii Remote及自由軟體去發展虛擬式的電子白板。另外,透過分析現階段國民小學一般教室中的資訊科技設備狀況,以瞭解以Wii Remote虛擬式電子白板的軟、硬體最適合的環境需求。並且以「用Wii製作的電子白板滿意度調查」問卷調查曾經使用過以Wii Remote所建置之虛擬式電子白板的老師對於用Wii製作的電子白板使用上的滿意程度,同時也對於問卷中滿意度較低的項目以訪談方式深入瞭解造成低滿意度的原因。參與問卷的老師,共有44位;並邀請其中7位教師進行訪談。希望藉著找出教師在使用虛擬式電子白板時的困難處,並提供解決這些困難的方法,縮小虛擬式電子白板與實體式電子白板的差異。 研究結果顯示,教師在「用Wii製作的電子白板」滿意度調查的32題中,每一題的平均數都超過3.48分,顯示他們對每一題都有正向的態度;在單一樣本t檢定方面, t.05,(44-1)=1.684,p<.05,每個題目的p值均達.000的顯著水準;在系統、教學、支援、信心等各分大項的p值均為0,到達p<.05的顯著水準,顯示第一線進行教學的老師而言,「用Wii製作的電子白板」的易用性、有用性、服務品質與內容品質的滿意度均高,以Wii建置的電子白板讓他們覺得在尚未能有實體式電子白板前,是個暫時替代的可行方式。本研究針對訪談中老師所反應的操作、使用上之困難提出詳盡的解決方法,透過這些方法,可以讓以Wii Remote建置的電子白板更具有實體式電子白板的使用感;除了詳列以Wii Remote建置電子白板之教學環境發展規劃流程與須知之外,還有相關的推廣活動與師資培訓的教材建置。以上研究結果可提供有意打造班班有電子白板、E化校園的學校,在補助建置E化經費不足或尚未到位之前,一份在規劃軟硬體設備上的參考依據。


In Taiwan MOE’s Whitepaper for ICT in K-12 Education 2008, one of the way to implement the information and computer education is to settle interactive whiteboards (IWBs) in specialized classrooms. However, the high costs make schools hard to purchase real IWBs, not to mention the vision of settling IWBs in all classrooms. In this study, it is possible to use a Wii Remote, a bluetooth receiver, an infrared rays pen, and the original technology equipments, such as a computer and a projector to develop a low prices virtual interactive whiteboard(VIWB) with free software. Therefore, the questions proposed in this study are (1) What is the needs assessment of building a VIWB with Wii Remote? (2) How’s the degree of satisfaction of teachers toward a VIWB? (3) How to solve the problems teachers have during the operating a VIWB? (4) What are the main points should be taken into consideration while building a VIWB? The study adopts the literature review, the questionnaire and the interview as the research methods. The study invites 44 teachers to be the participants of questionnaire, and 7 of them to do the interview; and tries to reduce the difference between real IWBs and VIWBs with the solutions of solving the problems which teachers have in operating VIWBs. As the result shows, the averages of 32 items in the questionnaire of making interactive whiteboards environments with Wii Remotes are higher than 3.48 points. This means these teachers have positive attitude toward VIWB. The result of t test shows t.05,(44-1)=1.684,p<.05, it means that teachers have high satisfactions toward the VIWB. They agree with that VIWBs can be a good substitute for the moment before having real IWBs. According to the solutions of the problems which teachers proposed in the interview enable VIWBs have more function as real IWBs. This study suggests not only a clear building process of developing interactive whiteboards environments with Wii Remotes, but also a list of the necessary equipments of building VIWBs. Furthermore, it provides series of activities to spread VIWBs to other schools and builds up a blog to share the materials of teachers’ training about setting and using VIWBs. Hope these results can be a basis for schools which want to create an E campus with VIWBs before having enough budgets for real IWBs.


Gillen, J.; Littleton, K.; Twiner, A.; Staarman, J.K.; Mercer, N. (2008). Using the interactive whiteboard to resource continuity and support multimodal teaching in a primary science classroom. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 24(4), 348-358. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2729.2007.00269
Higgins, S., Beauchamp, G. & Miller, D. (2007). Reviewing the literature on interactive whiteboards. Learning, Media, & Technology, 32 (3), 213-225. doi: 10.1080/17439880701511040


