  • 學位論文


An Analysis of the Dynamics of Green Hotel in Taiwan

指導教授 : 吳坤山


21世紀的明星產業-觀光業一直是世界各國普遍重視的無煙囪產業。只要是超過一天的旅遊行程,就需要住宿規劃;雖然旅客的住宿可帶來商機,卻也對自然環境產生影響。在地球生態破壞與能源短缺對經濟和產業發展及人類生活形態的衝擊下,環保議題日益受到重視,各產業無不朝向環保節能等方向發展;且隨著消費者環境保護意識的抬頭,企業的行銷活動開始重視環保訴求,這股風潮亦在旅館業醞釀發酵,環保旅館(Green Hotel)已成為該產業發展的重要課題。然而在這個重要的議題中,對於旅客住宿環保旅館的態度及其意圖行為關係的研究及飯店業者對其建構環保旅館的研究,卻付之闕如。因此本論文以消費者及飯店業者為研究主體,探討在消費端及業者端對環保旅館的態度與行為進行深入的研究探討。 在消費端方面,本論文將以計劃行為理論為基礎,並結合利他主義及消費者過往行為,利用線性結構模式探討旅客住宿環保旅館之行為意圖,期望能對旅客住宿環保旅館之行為進行更深入的分析。研究結果發現本研究所建構之修正型計畫行為理論的因果模式是適當的。態度、主觀規範、知覺行為控制對旅客住宿環保旅館行為意圖有顯著正面影響,且消費者的利他主義及過往行為對旅客住宿環保旅館行為意圖亦產生顯著正面影響。經由參數估計分析顯示,影響行為意圖以主觀規範所中介影響效果為較強,顯見主觀規範為關鍵中介變項,據此建議相關旅館業者宜關注於主觀規範之影響,作為提升旅客未來住宿環保旅館意圖之策略性工具。 在飯店業者端方面,本研究以環保署公告之環保旅館標章之檢核表為問卷主軸,利用重要-表現法,探討業者對於八項環保旅館檢檢核項目的重視及業者執行成效之分析。結果發現,目前業者於企業環境管理、節能及節水措施、垃圾減量等環保措施者相當重視且執行的很好;反觀之,在危害物質管制、綠色採購及垃圾分類回收的環保措施顯得相對的不重視,且也執行的成效也相較低落。本研究冀望藉由業者的環保措施的調查,能協助業者於未來朝環保旅館方向發展,擬定有效綠色競爭策略,促進台灣未來環保旅館產業的發展。本研究結果對學術理論及業界環保旅館發展將有所貢獻,並有助於旅館經營者瞭解旅客對環保旅館的認知與住宿行為,以制定有效的行銷策略,促進該產業的永續經營。


The tourism industry has long been regarded as an important non-chimney industry. In any case of the travel itinerary which is longer than one day, lodging arrangement will be needed. Although travelers can bring some business opportunities for the tourism industry, the hotels where they stay may also have some negative impacts on the natural environment. With the rising consumers’ awareness on environment protection, more and more corporations have begun to pay more attention to environmental protection of their marketing activities. The increased environmental awareness is poised to have a significant influence on green hotels. However, few researchers have focused on hotel customers’ decision-making processes when selecting a green hotel. Therefore, the purpose of this dissertation is to test the applicability of our modified TPB model (integrated altruism and past behavior) in explaining hotel customers’ intention formation to stay at a green hotel. The findings show that original TPB variables, altruism, and past behavior all positively affect customer intention to stay at a green hotel. Our modified TPB model was also deemed a good fit model in the research. In this study, we also applied the importance-performance analysis (IPA) of the green hotel certification’s indicators from the hoteliers. We identified improvement opportunities so as to guide strategic planning efforts for the hotel industry. The results and findings of this dissertation showed the attributes of hotel green management, energy and water conservation, and disposable product and waste reduction are located at the highly important and where the hoteliers self-reported actual perform relatively well. The results of IPA of the green hotel seal checklist criterions indicate the hotel industry should not only focus the sustainable activities aimed at economic profit and sustain operations that regulated by the law but also the sustain activities that promote the development of the sustainability. As the results, it will help the hoteliers understand the travelers’ cognition and lodging behavior on green hotels, which will assist to develop effective green marketing strategies and promote sustainable tourism industry.


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朱榮佩(2015)。建構綠色旅館認證項目之研究 —以『全球永續旅遊準則』為架構〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2015.00298
