  • 學位論文


Applying Competence Model for Analyzing the Selection and Training Process of Air Traffic Controllers

指導教授 : 許超澤


「飛航安全」須由飛航管制員、飛航組員、航空器維修員、地勤人員等專業人員共同維護,其中有鑑於飛航管制的專業性、特殊性、複雜性,其人員素質與飛航安全更是息息相關。由於甄選及培訓飛航管制員的時間較長且訓練成本昂貴,如何在選訓過程中,有效甄選出適當的人才,並使其能順利完訓,避免未來訓練失敗所額外增加的成本及減少未來不適任情況發生,為民航管理當局的重要課題。 以往探討飛航管制員甄選之相關文獻,多著重於探討心理因素且採取統計方式進行研究,並未將飛航管制員視為人力資源管理中之重要一環加以探討,且文獻中並未對甄選與訓練的整合做探討。因此,本研究以人力資源的角度導入職能模型觀點,並結合深度訪談及多準則評估方法,進行飛航管制員完訓的潛在重要特質及選訓流程之研究。 本研究主要分為四階段:第一階段藉由文獻回顧與深度訪談之過程,將構面分為「技術」、「能力」及「其他個人特質」,並確立飛航管制員職能項目準則及定義;第二階段利用模糊德菲法,篩選出重要的職能項目準則,經分析結果顯示其重要職能項目準則為「判斷與決策能力」、「協調性」、「專注力」、「多重任務處理能力」、「發音清晰」、「聽力敏感度」、「抗壓性」、「主動積極」與「情緒穩定」;第三階段根據分析網路程序法,計算出各項職能準則之權重。最後,綜整出上述三階段之分析結果,進一步提出合宜選訓流程建議。 研究結果發現,職能準則之重要程度依序為「情緒穩定」、「抗壓性」、「多重任務處理能力」、「聽力敏感度」、「判斷與決策能力」、「協調性」、「專注力」、「發音清晰」與「主動積極」。本研究分別針對飛航管制員之選訓流程及行政管理提出相關建議。在選訓流程方面:(1)航空醫學中心於體檢時,可加強心理性向測驗中「抗壓性」、「主動積極」與「情緒穩定」之測驗題項。(2)民用航空局民航人員訓練所可在職前訓練的課堂中,增加「多重任務處理能力」、「發音清晰」與「聽力敏感度」的相關課程時數。在行政管理方面:(1)我國飛航管制員選甄與培訓流程,應由單一統籌管理機關全權負責。(2)應採取漸進淘汰的甄選流程與不占缺訓練:增加錄取名額、徹底實施甄選過程中的淘汰機制,對錄取人員施予適當訓練並合理評鑑。經由完善的選訓程序及有效評估,可發揮擇優汰劣之功能,挑選出適任航管人員。


Aviation safety is a joined effort by all personnel in the aviation industry. One of the most critical professions relating to aviation safety is Air Traffic Controllers (ATC)in view of the profession, particularity and complexity of the work. Because the high training cost and long training time, selecting and training appropriate candidates effectively during the selection and training period to avoid the possibility of future training or job failure has become an important issue for civil aviation. The majority of the previous research primarily focuses on investigating psychological factors using statistical methods. It ignores that the selection and training of ATC is an important part of human resource management and the importance of integration is rarely discussed. Therefore, this study applies widely used human resource competence model and uses in-depth interview and multi-criteria evaluation methods to explore the vital competencies of ATC and further to proposal a proper selection and training process. This study is divided into four stages sequentially. First, based on literature review and the in-depth interview, competencies of ATC are categorized into “Skill”, “Ability” and “Other characteristics” categories. Second, we use fuzzy Delphi method to sort out the critical competencies. Third, we use Analytic Network Process (ANP)to calculate the weight of each competencies. We further propose an appropriate ATC selection and training process based on the results from previous stages. The result shows that the vital competencies are “emotional stability”, “ability to work under pressure”, “multi-task handling ability”, “hearing sensitivity”, “judgment and decision making ability”, “coordination”, “concentration”, “clear pronunciation”, and “being active and taking initiatives”. We suggest that it is important to add “ability to work under pressure”, “being active and taking initiatives”, and “emotional stability” related tests to the psychological test. Adding “multi-task handling ability”, “clear pronunciation”, and “hearing sensitivity” related tests to the training process are also important. For administration and management, the selection and training process of ATC should be commended by one single administration. Also, the selection and training process should first increase the number of recruiting candidates and then examine each candidate in the process thoroughly to eliminate unsuitable personnel.


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