  • 學位論文


The Anti-narcotic Policy of George W. Bush Administration(2001-2005)

指導教授 : 戴萬欽


由於毒品問題已經造成了對美國社會和經濟上的巨大傷害,美國政府因此結合各級政府、民間團體和各個社區的力量,要求全國一致努力,積極的打擊毒品犯罪並試圖降低毒品使用率。本文之重要目的在於探討美國毒品防制政策制定之起因、毒品防制政策重要內容以及政策施行後所產生的成效和回應。 本篇論文討論如下議題: 一、美國毒品防制政策的背景 二、美國小布希政府國內與國際毒品防制政策之執行 三、美國小布希政府毒品防制政策之缺失和影響 四、美國小布希政府和墨西哥的毒品防制合作 透過對國內外相關防制毒品危害書籍等各種資料之研析瞭解,美國政府實施之毒品防制政策雖已獲致相當之成果,但仍有可持續加強之空間及途徑,本篇論文的主要結論如下: 一、美國似可持續加強完善的社會福利制度,和妥善的貧民戶救助配套措施,以從根本協助降低其國內之嚴重毒品危害。 二、美國反毒宣導和教育,係毒品防制工作非常重要的一環,美國政府若能夠堅持善用反毒教育的力量,將會獲致事半功倍的效果。 三、美國政府在預防國民使用毒品和毒品矯治的措施上,必須注重使民眾產生信任感,才能取得預防毒品危害之更大成效。 四、在國際合作打擊毒品走私方面,美國政府必須展現誠意和毒品來源國培養良好的互動和合作協商,以期建立全球共同打擊毒品走私犯罪之有效機制。


The U.S. Government wishes to unify the resources of all the states, civil anti-drug organizations, and communities, in order to combat drug abuse and its affiliated crimes that have caused significant social and economic damage to American society. The primary objective of the thesis is to analyze the main goals, inputs, directions, results and feedbacks of the U.S. Drug Control Policy of the Bush Administration during the years from 2001 to 2005. This thesis has the following agenda: 1. An overview of the U.S. Drug Control Strategy. 2. Domestic and international anti-drug endeavors of the George W. Bush Administration. 3. The shortcomings and effects of the Bush Administration’s Drug Control Policy. 4. Bilateral anti-drug cooperation between the Mexican government and Bush Administration. Through studies of many documents concerning the issue of drug control, it is apparent that even though the U.S. government has strongly enforced its drug control strategies every year, there are still many improvements to be made, and many social problems concomitant with the drug control policy to be solved. The main findings of the thesis are as follow: 1. The U.S. government has great room for improvement in its social welfare system, and must effectively coordinate welfare programs for the under-privileged in order to tackle drug abuse at its very roots. 2. The education and advocacy of anti-drug abuse is a crucial element of drug control. The U.S. government must continue in promoting anti-drug abuse education to achieve better results in reducing the cases of drug abuse. 3. While the U.S. government is preventing and reducing drug abuse, it is important to establish trust with the U.S. civilians in order to increase efficiency in drug abuse reduction. 4. As for moderating international drug trafficking, the U.S. government must display sincerity and forge better interaction with drug producing countries, and to maintain multilateral cooperation to eradicate drug trafficking across the world.




