  • 學位論文


Memory and Communication of Mining Town” Construction and Locality of New museum -The Case Study of The Gold museum

指導教授 : 許傳陽


以黃金博物館為中心的「水金九礦業遺址」,因為電影《悲情城市》、《無言的山丘》、《多桑》中的故事內容與拍攝地點,引起人們對於自身過去歷史的再重視,讓原本已沒落的礦產文化遺址又搖身轉變為國內外遊客的文化旅遊地,帶動起九份與金瓜石的第二次繁榮,除了湧入大量的觀光人潮外,對於此地的相關學術研究也隨之興起。然而,金瓜石因為黃金博物館的設立讓金瓜石與九份有了極為不同的風貌,這種以礦業文化對地方的再復甦,讓金瓜石在全球化的發展下更具獨特與重要性。 由此可見,「礦城的再現」─金瓜石已成為台灣近年來地方發展的人氣指標,金瓜石的地方意義因為黃金博物館的設立被重構與詮釋。因此,本研究透過金瓜石聚落的黃金博物館,來探討新博物館作為地方的中介者如何營造出所屬的地方意義?觀覽者與博物館裡的展示物件之間的互動關係為何?以及進而探討觀覽者對金瓜石的地方想像。首先,採用視覺資料分析法來探討黃金博物館裡的展示物件如何中介出地方意義?接著,以半結構式訪談法了解觀覽者與展示物件之間的關係。研究發現:黃金博物館作為地方與觀覽者之間的文化中介者,而此中介者使觀覽者對金瓜石有一整體的文化場域,亦即透過觀覽者與園區的各項展示物的接觸,讓觀覽者對地方產生了基本知識。因此,觀覽性的生產即是介入展示生產的過程,展示中介了日常生活以及對地方的建構。


“The Gold Museum” is located in the area of Reifan(瑞芳) because the place being featured in films such as City of Sadnes, Hill of No Return, and A borrowed life ,the local sightseeing has been presented to a wild audience, evoking and inspiring the identity of the area ; As a result, the town has become an attraction of cultural tourism ; In addition , plenty of relevant academic researches about “Shuei-Jin-Jiou mining sites” have sprung up. The ruined mining remains have turned into a must-visit location for domestic and foreign tourists alike. The museum shows that, through recovery of the local culture, the construction of locality becomes an important and unique reaction to the influence of global capitalism. Due to the “reproduction of the Mining town”, in the recent years, ”Shuei-Jin-Jiou” has become a popular index for cultural tourism in Taiwan. After seeing the display at the museum and being aware of its importance to the development of the area, I set to research “The Gold Museum of Jinguashih Remains”. In the research design, I used Visual Data Analysis (VDA) in the field to explore the exhibits in the gold museum and understand how the museum as a cultural agent presents the local meaning. I also used semi structured interviews to better understand the concept of the relationship between cultural audience and the exhibition. In conclusion, the study found The Gold museum as a cultural intermediary between the local and the spectators, the museum works as an agent making a cultural field of Jinguashih, through the contact and interaction of visitors and its exhibits; allowing spectators to grab a basic knowledge of the local culture and its history. The researcher will summarize the findings to explore mineral display and how the exhibition helps to construct the locality of Jinguashi . Therefore, actions of spectators are involved in the production process of the exhibition.


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