  • 學位論文


The analysis of learning attitude differences for MOOC using computers and mobile devices

指導教授 : 劉艾華


隨著網際網路的盛行及資訊科技的發展,傳統學習方式已不敷使用,數位學習、行動學習的發展及智慧型手機的普及都將影響學習模式的改變,MOOC課程擴大學習規模與學習方式。以往的數位學習只能夠得到網路上的資源,但並非能得到真正所需要的資源,MOOC使世界各地的專業師資及教學內容讓全世界都看見,配合數位資源開啟新的學習模式,透過行動裝置還能做到無所不在的學習。目前甚少有MOOC課程以行動裝置為載體做線上課程學習的研究,因此本研究比較不同的學習裝置在相同MOOC課程,使用科技接受模式探討線上課程學習在不同模式情況下之意願與態度。 透過問卷調查的方式來驗證,問卷發放50份,有效問卷為50份,有效回收率為100%,並以科技接受模式為理論基礎,再經由統計軟體SPSS18.0版進行信度分析、相關分析及路徑分析。在本研究中發現智慧型手機組:知覺便利性正向影響知覺易用性,知覺易用性正向影響知覺有用性,智慧型手機使用者認為其便利性使線上課程的學習方式變得容易使用,且對於學習是有幫助的;電腦組:知覺有用性正向影響使用態度,使用者認為使用電腦做線上課程學習是有幫助的,且會提高學習者的使用意願。


Because Internet and information technology have rapidly developed, improvements on the traditional learning have been expected. While E-learning and popularity of smart phones are changing the learning model, MOOC expands the learning scale and learning method further. Previous digital learning cannot get the resources really needed; MOOC makes professional teachers and teaching content to be seen by the world. Come along with digital resources, which can open a new learning mode, mobile devices can even reach the effect of ubiquitous learning. Currently there are very few MOOC courses that have been using mobile devices as carrier to conduct the online course and perform corresponding researches. Therefore, this study compares different devices in the same MOOC learning courses using Technology Acceptance Model to explore the online courses willingness and attitude in the case of following different models of learning. Using Technology Acceptance Model as the theoretical basis to verify this study, 50 questionnaires have been distributed and all of them are valid. The statistical software SPSS18.0 has been adopted for reliability analysis, correlation analysis and path analysis. This study found that, for the smart phones group, the Perceived Convenience has positive impact on the Perceived Ease of Use and the Perceived Ease of Use has positive impact on the Perceived Usefulness. The smart phone users think that the convenience of using the smart phones make online learning course easy to use and it is helpful for learning. One the other hand, in the Computers Group, the Perceived Usefulness will positively affect the attitude toward using the device and the users think that using computers to do online courses was helpful, and will increase the learner's willingness to use the system.


MOOC Mobile Learning Smartphone TAM


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