  • 學位論文


Action Research on Teaching Reading with Predictive Strategies for First Grade Students

指導教授 : 張雅芳


本研究以行動研究法探究預測策略運用在國小一年級閱讀教學之實施歷程與結果。研究者進行九週共十八節課的教學,秉持著行動研究的精神,以計畫、行動、觀察、反省修正的循環歷程改進教學,藉由省思札記、觀察記錄、訪談、閱讀理解測驗和課程回饋問卷等資料,呈現教學歷程之真實面貌,並針對教學歷程所遭遇之問題與解決方法,以及學生閱讀理解能力與學習感受等方面提出結果與討論。本研究的結論如下: 壹、預測策略運用於閱讀教學的實施歷程 一、教師明確的策略示範與引導有助於學生在策略的習得與運用。 二、教學歷程中融入學生感興趣的遊戲增加策略的學習興趣。 三、小組協同對話的歷程能激盪出多元的思考提升學習成效。 貳、學生閱讀理解能力的改變情形 一、運用預測策略的閱讀教學能增進學生字面上理解的能力。 二、運用預測策略的閱讀教學能增進學生文本推論理解的能力。 三、運用預測策略的閱讀教學能提升低年級學生的閱讀理解能力。 參、學生對於預測策略的學習感受 一、運用預測策略的閱讀教學受到學生的肯定與喜愛。 二、運用預測策略的閱讀教學提升了大多數學生主動探究文本的 意願。 肆、研究者本身專業知能的成長 一、研究者從行動研究的歷程中獲致專業的成長與收穫。 二、研究者從行動研究的歷程中提升自我反思的能力。


This study aims to explore the process and the effects of the application of prediction strategies in reading teaching for first-grade students in an elementary school. The researcher progressed the teaching of 18 classes which lasted for 9 weeks. Holding the spirit of action research, the researcher improved the teaching by the circulating process of planning, acting, observing, and reflection. With the data of reflective journal, notes of observation, interview, tests of reading comprehension, and feedback questionnaire of curriculum, the researcher presented what the teaching process was. Aiming at the problems and solutions during the process of teaching, and students’ reading and comprehensive ability and learning attitudes, the researcher presented the result and discussion. This study concluded as follows: First, the application process of prediction strategies in reading teaching: 1.The clear demonstration and guidance of strategies from a teacher helped students learn and apply these strategies. 2.Integrating games which students were interested in during the teaching process increased their learning interests toward strategies. 3.The process of team dialogue in groups could inspire multiple thinking and promote learning effects. Second, the effects of students’ reading and comprehensive abilities: 1.With the application of prediction strategies, students’ abilities in word comprehension were improved. 2.With the application of prediction strategies, students’ abilities in text inference comprehension were improved. 3.With the application of prediction strategies, lower graders’ abilities in reading comprehension were improved. Third, students’ learning attitudes toward prediction strategies: 1.The application of prediction strategies in reading teaching received recognition from and was popular with students. 2.The application of prediction strategies in reading teaching promoted the willingness of exploring texts actively of most students. Fourth, the researcher’s professional growth: 1.The researcher gained professional growth and harvest from the process of the action research. 2.The researcher promoted the ability of self-reflection from the process of the action research.


丁嘉琳(2007)。借鏡國際 台灣閱讀出了什麼問題?天下雜誌
